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  • fR OEM

    "finalRender-OEM incorporates the same robust, production-proven rendering and raytracing core developed for finalRenderStage-1, then gives 3rd party developers the ability to implement this same power and functionality into their very own 3D tools. Future versions of finalRender-OEM will offer support for virtually every available hardware and software platform."

    ummmm. correct me if im wrong but if stage-1 never made it to the market. then how can the OEM have the same robust "PRODUCTION PROVEN" blah blah blah. what production and when did it prove itself?

    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
    stupid questions the forum can answer.

  • #2
    you forget all the great betatester of finalrender stage-1 who work on projects they can not show.

    i understand, that as betatester, you can not show all your stuff to the public.

    but i ask myself, if stage-1 is uses in production, like some betatester and cebas claim, then where can i see the results?

    i mean, when a production is finished there has to be a result that is shown to the public or at least someone??

    i also understand that architects like to keep their work a bit secret... but does ALL betatester work for such architects?

    nobody does production work with stage-1 that is shown in public?

    don´t ask cebas for rendertimes or anything that could be interesting for the artist!
    instead you can look on some boring feature previews that explain things only a beginner don´t know.


    • #3
      "Finally, cebas will also unveil their latest rendering technology based on their wildly successful finalRender software; a platform-independent rendering system called finalRender-OEM"

      ive been to their forum and honestly its not really that popular even with those who stuck around. much less being popular with those who switched to vray or brazil

      MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
      stupid questions the forum can answer.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Long John
        you forget all the great betatester of finalrender stage-1 who work on projects they can not show.

        i understand, that as betatester, you can not show all your stuff to the public.

        but i ask myself, if stage-1 is uses in production, like some betatester and cebas claim, then where can i see the results?
        I'm sorry but what about the 100's or maybe 1000's of people that bought stage 1 a year ago and still have not seen a product?

        If those people don't have a product... the product does not exist to the public.

        So a statment like: "The people that brought you stage-1..." is total BS, because they did not bring stage-1 to anyone.

        What was the terms that Edwin used? "vaporware"?


        • #5
          vapor? well its certainly a hot gas. usually produced in the colon i believe. and its quite.......fragrant for lack of a more decent word

          MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
          stupid questions the forum can answer.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Long John
            you forget all the great betatester of finalrender stage-1 who work on projects they can not show.

            i understand, that as betatester, you can not show all your stuff to the public.

            but i ask myself, if stage-1 is uses in production, like some betatester and cebas claim, then where can i see the results?

            i mean, when a production is finished there has to be a result that is shown to the public or at least someone??

            i also understand that architects like to keep their work a bit secret... but does ALL betatester work for such architects?

            nobody does production work with stage-1 that is shown in public?

            don´t ask cebas for rendertimes or anything that could be interesting for the artist!
            instead you can look on some boring feature previews that explain things only a beginner don´t know.
            You can see some architectural Stage 1 examples on my site.
            We eventually rolled all our projects over to Stage1 about 2 months ago.
            Most of our projects run for around 2 years from design to documentation, it makes no sense to switch renderers mid project.
            I have been using Stage1 in production since January, initially just for design development as the improvements in the GI made concept work much easier.
            I'll answer as many questions as I can but I have a NDA and that's that, Cebas and their intellectual property.
            There are about 100 Beta Testers, the Beta Forum is extremely active/positive and I have seen some amazing work done with Stage 1. If you are a registered user of Stage 0 you can get on the Beta Team.
            I prefer Open Beta's, but I understand why Edwin has a closed Beta, people just work differently.
            Development was feature focussed, this is why many Beta Testers weren't willing to give out render times (other than NDA), while finished features were very fast, incomplete ones would hold back render times. I think many testers just felt times weren't an accurate representation of the final product, the potential could only be understood from using it and without being able to fully discuss the product/features you just couldn't give a reason why.
            I am amazed how some people hang on every word from Cebas, passionately troll through forums just to find something they can sink their teeth into, it's a little sad really.

            I'm here for the artwork...
            Richard De Souza



            • #7
              I am amazed how some people hang on every word from Cebas, passionately troll through forums just to find something they can sink their teeth into, it's a little sad really.

              it´s called braunism.
              a person who tries to put others down will earn what he seeds.


              • #8
                i thought it was just keeping our eyes open for a good joke. forget the apples. a few laughs a day keeps the doctor away (or the shrink in anycase)

                MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                stupid questions the forum can answer.


                • #9
                  Yeah but a joke isn't funny anymore if you hear it 10 times a day... You'll end up with your shrink also!
                  Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


                  • #10
                    anyhow. apparently ive heard that on the fR forum somone said that turbosquid was reminding him to contact cebas about sending him his CD on wednesday so it must be shipping now. or atleast it will be shipping on wednesday

                    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                    stupid questions the forum can answer.


                    • #11
                      ah wednesday.

                      i think there will be a few in 2004.

