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Advice from a friend

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  • #16
    requiring that would mean less beurocratic hassle...which means governmental employees would lose their, not gonna happen

    Even though the Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles (by Frank Gehry) was done entirely in Catia with the contractor(s) working directly from the digital documents, a rough set of plans and sections still had to be created and printed out in order to get approval through the planning department.


    • #17
      This lady Natty is making fun of the "Outoflucks" here in the Colonies!
      sorry guys but that is complete crap
      What is supposed to be the crap: the 20 years of expertise as an architect, that fact of not having enough jobs, not being paid on time and form,the economic debacle that U.S. is going thru, or what?
      I see this Natty a some sort of Dominatrix punishing us !


      • #18
        *NEWS FLASH* Natty is a man! *NEWS FLASH*

        No, the crap part is that you generalized your situation into saying it's like this all over the world, when in fact it's not. If your not willing to speak accurately, then don't yell murder when someone tells you the facts that your current situation doesn't apply everywhere.
        5 years and counting.


        • #19
          Natty stil seems a Dominatrix, anyways!
          Psy:Stick to your tutorial, you are late!!!


          • #20
            here here PSY


            • #21

              In the US it's either feast or famine if you're on your own. Right now it's famine...thank god for the office job.

              ST RA
              Indecisive archictects will be the death of us all.


              • #22
                What did he say?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Karadagian
                  Natty stil seems a Dominatrix, anyways!
                  Psy:Stick to your tutorial, you are late!!!
                  Maybe you just want to be dominated?

                  And about my tutorial, I said I was working on it and I did not ever set a finish date, so unless somehow or another you decided that you were my handler, you have no right to tell me whether I am late or not.

                  Originally posted by natty
                  here here PSY
                  That means he agrees with what I said. Amazing eh?
                  5 years and counting.


                  • #24
                    Daniel Kreimer,

                    I wonder why you stay in this bussiness if it's such a bad bussines for you, I think you should change your job for something more rewarding, both economically and because it makes you proud of what you do.

                    In other words, if your talent does not lie in Computer Graphics you'll better do a search for it (the place where it lies) instead of growing bitter, and trying that everybody share your bitterness.

                    Of course, if you are a hobbiest, then everything is allright ( I mean not bieng proficient ) but for the bitterness which nerver is.

                    Did a search and found this one from November 2002 you started at the old forum... strange your posts are missing, but the answers are there, so in general it still makes sense:


                    ok, may be it is for fun you do so, and it should not upset me...

                    Yes, probably I stop it here.

                    have a nice day


                    BTW, you used to live in Florida, Bet your chances of better marked where in the USA as oposed to Armenia, but I may be wrong.


                    • #25
                      May be David Wright can help both you and "your friend":


                      so long


                      • #26
                        This is a post by a friend from another forum...
                        Why did you say that. Karadagian and archkre are the same person, namely Daniel Kreimer, am I right?

                        Maybe you should get some real friends instead inventing them like this. Then you'll have something to take your mind off your uninspiring dayjob, give you something to live for.


                        • #27
                          lolololololololololol..........i bet he feels like a fool

