I've been working on a set renderings (retail spaces in an airport) for the past month and sent my client the latest set of drafts. I delivered 12 renderings at roughly 1280x720 pixels. The client then asked for them at 11x17 @300dpi (5,100 pixels wide). They assumed that I could just send that immediatley to them and were bothered when I told them that it would take several days to render them all at that resolution. This is a new client and it always a struggle to educate them on the first project. Initially I had a contract that laid everything out - schedule, resolution, when/what information that I would need from the designer, etc. The client has ignored all that. We are now several weeks over budget and I have had many all-nighters scrambling to make last minute changes for new deadlines that come out of nowhere. I'm kind of getting off topic now - just need to vent a little. Here is my real question:
What final resolution do you provide to your client?
I typically send finals at 3,000 pixels wide. I've never had a complaint from a client at that resolution, even when they print it large on a billboard. First time clients usually ask me for the final at 300dpi without telling me how many inches across. My response is always, "I need to know how far it is L.A. to New York and you just told me 55 MPH". Once they realize they have no idea what they are talking about, they usually agree to 3,000 pixels. I've always thought that is enough for most projects, but I'm just curious as to what others offer as standard resolution.
What final resolution do you provide to your client?
I typically send finals at 3,000 pixels wide. I've never had a complaint from a client at that resolution, even when they print it large on a billboard. First time clients usually ask me for the final at 300dpi without telling me how many inches across. My response is always, "I need to know how far it is L.A. to New York and you just told me 55 MPH". Once they realize they have no idea what they are talking about, they usually agree to 3,000 pixels. I've always thought that is enough for most projects, but I'm just curious as to what others offer as standard resolution.