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Wacom vs. 3DS Max

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  • Wacom vs. 3DS Max


    my wacom seems to mistranslate some orders to max, or my max dosent understand my wacom completly. i kind of stumbled into by trying to do some topology with graphite, and it just ignored my wacom pen, allthou it works fine with my mouse. is there any driver or a script sombody knows about that would get them back together on my side?

    help would be apreciated
    best regards

    emoticom AG

  • #2
    Windows 7 causes a problem with Max 2010 and 2011 and a Wacom tablet. You need to disable (by renaming) the file "C:\windows\system32\wisptis.exe." But the first time you do it you need to set the permissions:

    1. Navigate to C:\windows\system32\wisptis.exe
    2. Right click and go to Advanced
    3. Go to the Owner tab
    4. Click Edit
    5. Add your login as a new user
    6. Take ownership of the file.
    7. Click “Change permissions”
    8. Add your login account if you don’t see it.
    9. Then edit the setting for the account and give your self full control.
    10. Now you need to rename the wisptis.exe to something else and replace it with a empty text file of the same name.
    11. Now when Windows call this file nothing happens and because the file is there it is not restored.

    Unfortunately, doing this will also disable Microsoft Silverlight, which is what Netflix and other things use to stream movies. So I made a couple .bat files to rename it when I need to:

    One for Max: ren C:\windows\system32\wisptis.exe wisptis.bak
    And one for Netflix: ren C:\windows\system32\wisptis.bak wisptis.exe
    Last edited by YoyoBoy; 06-04-2011, 05:22 AM.
    - Geoff


    • #3
      thanks for your reply. i will try this when im not to busy anymore.
      im looking forward to do some topology
      best regards

      emoticom AG


      • #4
        will this problem be fixed with max 2012?
        Luke Szeflinski
        :: cgi

