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stereo photo maker

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  • stereo photo maker

    ok so ive finally got some 3d glasses.. chose the green/cyan ones as according to wikipedia they give a slightly nicer effect than red/blue or red/green.

    vray RT has this combination as an output option, but i want to play with the settings of the vray stereoscopic helper.. which doesnt seem to effect RT.

    this means i have to do a full render then process it in stereo photo maker.

    however i cant figure out how to set this software to do a green/cyan analglyph. it has presets for red blue etc, but no green/cyan.

    i had assumed there would be simple colour pickers for each eye colour tint, but i cant find them anywhere in the software. LOADS of other controls to tint images etc, but i cant find out how to specify the base left and right eye colours.

    anyone used it or knows an alternative?
    Last edited by super gnu; 06-04-2011, 07:17 AM.