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  • #16
    Originally posted by Psy
    i was reading your forum, why exactly cant u put at least the thumbnails up?

    its gonna be pretty hard to identify artists since a lot do not make their identity known and you wont be able to let ppl see the thumbs so how on earth do u plan to identify them?
    How do u think I will do it... I own the site.. the contents the everything... FIND them.... its not hard... judging from this guys actions he went to a few sites... CGtalk, 3dtotal, and renderosity... those are my top guesses... I send the owners a link tot he site... then they allow me to use it on the ok version that will come out when I am finished getting the names up... but if u want thimbs... I will post them on my forum... so... head over there later tonight or tommow... there is 27 pages 389 pics.... so.. it will be extensive...


    • #17
      Well Like I promised... I did do some thumbnails... so head over

      and look at them....

      if you know anyone on there... u can leave a post on there... I have it set that guest can leave posts also.... so please help me out..... add the image name and website where i can find it.... thanx....


      • #18
        some of them are from:

        the space picture you can also see on the web page of swiss company:

        cause of the cheap prices, we thought they render in china...
        but the guy who did these images, didn't know nothing about it...


