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W32.Blaster.Worm - microsoft patch

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  • W32.Blaster.Worm - microsoft patch


    A lot of people were talking about a patch for windows that would kill max. Is it this patch:


    This should be the patch you need to install to protect yourself against the W32.Blaster.Worm.


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  • #2
    First let me say that I am not an IT guy and to read this with your own discretion but anyway, I've found a few things out recently...

    The hot fix for the worm is "823980"

    There is an interim fix numbered "Q824136". You have to call M$ @ 800-936-4900 for this fix and they will e-mail a 1mb file to you.

    We use MAX 3.1 here allot and I've found that yes the patch does corrupt MAX 3.1 files also.

    CNN has reported a new "version" "mutation" whatever of the worm this morning.

    It seems as if being behind a router that supports NAT (Network Address Translation) solves the problem of receiving the worm because your computer is invisible to the cloud of the Internet. I believe this is something that Cisco and Belkin use. On top of this, if you are using broadband or leave your modem on all the time, you may want to get set up with an ISP who uses dynamic IP assignment. In this case it would be harder for the persons broadcasting the worm to locate your computer.

    My system was down half of the other day because we had it on a system that wasn't behind our router but attached to the LAN. I know this can be a headache but hopefully it will be fixed soon.

    Hope this info helps,

