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  • #16
    Originally posted by Psy
    only because i like to hunt them down and yell at them.

    apart from that, if i cant get my friend to render them for me, its demo version baby.
    you hunt yourself?
    strange hobby.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Long John
      you hunt yourself?
      strange hobby.
      i've always been legit when it comes to vray, where do you get this notion that i pirate it?

      Originally posted by j.galang
      you must be a sadomasochist then
      Maybe, but not likely.
      5 years and counting.


      • #18
        As far as I can recall, all of Psy's renders have had the watermark...
        Why all the bad feelings lately Long John?
        Eric Boer


        • #19
          Hey, this might be a good opportunity to start an off topic thread about what percentage of the apps you use are legit and/or cracks. I'll start - if I only had Max and VRay, then I'd be 100% legit. Aside from that, I can neither confirm nor deny the presence of cracked software on my box. Heh...


          • #20
            that unfortunately would be a thread hijack, which I cannot be party to seeing as how one of my recent past threads was hijacked into a birthday party.

            when we gonna find out the results?
            5 years and counting.


            • #21
              x = brazil
              y = fR
              z = vray

              586 = 3 correct
              corey = 3 correct
              seraph135 = 1 correct
              rerender = 1 correct
              restoeboemi = 1 correct
              psy = 0 correct

              not counted:

              shytigercp = obviously joking
              process2 = incomplete answer

              Congrats 586, you hit it right on the mark. You were the first one to get all 3 right.

              da_elf =


              • #22
                x= brazil
                y = fR
                z = vray

                Da_elf = 3 correct but also = late entry lol

                MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                stupid questions the forum can answer.


                • #23
                  I had a good response, but decided action was better than words. I didn't mean to allude that you pirate software, my apologies for doing so. Also, my email is set to a hotmail account to avoid spam spiders from harvesting my normal e-mail address, but seeing as how that raised suspicion, I've corrected it.

                  P.S. I'm totally based out of the USA as well, I understand the law just as well as you do.
                  5 years and counting.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Psy
                    Originally posted by RErender
                    Hehe, I changed I've never seen artifacts and ringing like those out of V-Ray
                    i have seen those, just look at warez users posts, and u'll seen massive ringing.


                    • #25
                      Cool! Thanks, j!

                      Now, let's just can the warez talk. I don't want to deface this forum or its community any further. I apologize for my involvement. Umm, can we get along again?


                      • #26
                        I had calmed down and edited my post.

                        The reason I thought you targeted me was that you spoke to me directly and used your expression on me alone. Words rarely speak louder than words, but at times, misunderstood, no action alone can correct.
                        5 years and counting.


                        • #27
                          ok lets cut this dumb flame-o-thingy. probably got a bit pissed with your first 2 posts. lets just get back to doing our own rendering thingies. i'm starting to behave like some people in another (un-named) renderer forum since i've been hanging around there a lot and contemplating whether to upgarde to the new version of their software. i guess some of their posts are rubbing off on me. (joke)

                          will edit post also.


                          • #28
                            i'm sorry too. i tend to anger easily online and have more problems controlling it.

                            sorry j.galang and to the rest of the vray community.

                            on a happier note, I think I need to look at the renderers seperately a lot more closely. 0 outta 3 is pretty sad.
                            5 years and counting.


                            • #29
                              OK, my apologies too. It's unfortunate that text cannot convey true emotion or intent 100% of the time.

                              On another note, I would encourage everyone to take a look at the "other" renderers at least to get a feel for how they perform. I bought Brazil and gave it a good few months of attention, but found that its work flow was not as smooth as VRay's, and its resulting output was somewhat idiosyncratic, i.e. it produced very nice looking images, but was a little tough to wrangle into convincing realism. The only advantage that it has over VRay would be in the material presets. I've only scratched the surface with fR, but I found it to be so clunky, for lack of a better term, that I completely abandoned it.


                              • #30
                                Oh yeah!

                                Totally in agreement with 586. Used Brazil and fR at school, sadly no license for vray, and I ran into the same probs. Brazil is hard to get a good general workflow that works everywhere with minor adjustments, and fR is clunky and is a huge pain to get rid of artifacts in renders.
                                5 years and counting.

