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About Dale Williams and vray Forums...

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  • About Dale Williams and vray Forums...

    Hello I am DeathGoth... the person who was responsible for bring back Dale Williams website after they shut it down..... Hense its not up anymore... but i am tring to put it back up again with original artists that made the art... as I have been saying since my shitty art was made fun of by 1 PSY.. I was the one who made the site still able to be looked at which i still plan on doing... but I need some help..... anyway the help is this..... I have found 2 definate images that came from this forum... that was told to me by one Seraph135... which I notified after I found a image on that site that belongs to him... he notified my that there are 2 iamges on that site that came originally from here... but since I have just started on here I would figure you would help me out and find the real artists... to kinda make my life easy.... anyway here they are...
    and no they are not linked to the gallery the gallery is prive to artists only...

    If you know who owns these 2 images... send me a email or goto either of the 2 links on my sig at the bottom... thanx

    have a nice day...

    P.S. PSY I love ur art to... thats why I havent commented on it...

  • #2
    plz check your mail before totally slandering my name on forums. and i sent u an email apologizing, but since it seems your after a public one, im sorry for insulting your artwork, it isn't actually bad, i was just sorta in a pissy mood over d.w. and i went too far. i'm a dumbass a lot, sorry.

    in regards to your post, the bottom hallway pic was done by Miguel MadaĆ­l de Freitas and his site is with an email of

    hope that helps some, and sorry again.
    5 years and counting.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Psy
      plz check your mail before totally slandering my name on forums. and i sent u an email apologizing, but since it seems your after a public one, im sorry for insulting your artwork, it isn't actually bad, i was just sorta in a pissy mood over d.w. and i went too far. i'm a dumbass a lot, sorry.
      ahh never got an email on it.... but hotmail is being retarded about sending emails.. I have changed my email for this forum... anyway... I didnt want an appoligy I could have cared less but if u sorry no big deal.. I wasnt hurt by it... I put that image up cause I thought it was cool.... anyway... its cool dude... no harsh feelings.... btw the comment i made about not commenting on ur art... is actaully bad... cause I comment on everyones art....

      also get back to topic... I dont want this to turn to a flame war... u wanna flame me get me on AIM at DeathGoth1

      and thanx for the help.... about the image..


      • #4
        Deathgoth, why do a bit.....weird.....dont you.....think? There.....are things.....called commas....they are......there for a......reason


        "...and we all know how paintful THAT can be, don't we?"


        • #5
          Originally posted by thethule
          Deathgoth, why do a bit.....weird.....dont you.....think? There.....are things.....called commas....they are......there for a......reason

          typing..... and english..... isnt....... my biggest...... thing....... like.... others........ hense I failed....... english... and....... typing...... plus.... its something... i picked.... up after a while....

