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convert RGB>Float

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  • convert RGB>Float

    Doesn anyone knows the formula of converting rgb colors to Floating point colors? Or even a little utility.

    I use hdrshop for it but its a bit... save the image with the colors need to be converted then put the mouse over and read it, if I forgot something...etc...

    Sometimes I render images in RenderQueen, very handy for grey or simple colored scenes(objects). To set up a scene in it is like sitting on a wood made sit, (after a while becoming uncomfortable)but for waiting a girlfriend is alwasy nice (when she finally arrives) Why I am writing this so many green stuff?

    So its a bit slow but on outdoor scenes it generates just the best shadows I ever seen. So sharp and nice.

  • #2
    If you mean what I think you mean, then it is trivial:

    floatRed = RGBRed / 255
    floatGreen = RGBGreen / 255
    floatBlue = RGBBlue / 255


    • #3
      hmm )) actually.. I am stupid, I knew the results(RGB/Float) and didnt calculate them... I didnt think that it is something linear.

      THank you!

