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now we know your age....what do you do?

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  • now we know your age....what do you do?

    Now i know that there are alot of Arch Vises here, but im really curious to see a sample of what pple here do and how they use vRay.

    Im also curious if you use vRay professionally (compared to being a hobbiest) if what you do is what you went to school for.


    product/industrial designer for a company which makes soda fountains, beer tappers, slurpee machines, etc.

    just got out of school for Industrial Design and while i was in school dabbled in Arch Vis ( thats how i got introduced to vRay).

    once i can get past some NDA issues i will finally post some of my work (ive been around since the delphi boards, but mostly as a lurker).

    cheers to a great board/community which has helped my skills by leaps and bounds.

  • #2
    I don't post here a whole bunch, but I visit regularily. There is a very large knowledgebase here, and I've yet to have a question that I haven't been able to answer with the search function. Thanks, everyone! Keep it up!

    On topic, I'm 24 (didn't post in the age thread), and I'm the senior digital artist at a software company in Dallas. We make document management software (Zzzzzzzzz.) for some of the largest companies in the US, so I have to make something that dull visually appealing. I do all the print, web, and other art, and use 3D in them as much as I can. I've been employed here since my junior year in school (2000), and I now have a BS in Computer Science.

    Anyways, this is one of my top 3 favorite boards to read, and I've been coming here more and more, lately. Talk about inspiration, some of you guys are ridiculously good!!


    • #3
      im a student with what looks like no future in 3d, but i still love it regardless of whether i ever have a career in it.

      im starting to sound like mr. K, sux.
      5 years and counting.


      • #4
        well...i do archviz...

        my company is actually a studio within an architecture firm We do a lot of work for in-house, but we also do quite a bit for other architects, interior designers, media companies, etc. I do anything 3d modeling related (buildings, product pre-viz, animated logos, TV and Movie pre-viz) as well as a lot of web coding (databases, flash, you name it). Somehow I also ended up being an IT guy as well even though i wasn't hired for it.


        • #5
          I'm an architecture student, I have my parole hearing in just over two years


          • #6

            I just finished a 4 year Bachelor of Design, Architecture degree from the University of Florida. I work for an architecture firm designing, construction documents, and 3D visualization when required. It took me six years to finish college b/c I changed majors twice. First I was Music Engineering at Berklee College of Music, Boston; second I was pre-med; thirdly I chose architecture!!


            • #7
              I think I'm repeating myself, but I am architect I play my roll as teacher in San Sebastian(Spain) University teaching CAD for architects.


              • #8
                im a Arch Vis......and have been for seven years.
                i work fulltime for an architects and also trying to run my own thing....
                so at the mo im working 16 hour day's but at least im busy.



                • #9

                  I'd just like to say that this is the most informative forum I've ever been a member of. I graduated w/ and arch degree and I'm 3 tests away from being a registared architect. I've been doing viz since acad 10 and the first relases of formz and Dos 3d studio. I work for a large arch and engineering firm as the only viz specialist (when it is called for). When I'm not doing viz I'm a project architect. When I have time, I freelance. I use to be a die-hard FR user but I was easily converted. Keep up the good work guys.

                  Indecisive archictects will be the death of us all.


                  • #10
                    I suppose I'm the odd duck here. I'm primarily a web designer, although my background is in graphic design for print. I am currently the president and senior designer at my firm in Rhode Island, USA. 3D is in fact just a hobby for me right now. I'm not sure if it will ever be more, but I'm satisfied with it just as it is. I'm also interested in metalworking, such as casting, fabrication, forging and knife making.


                    • #11
                      For 18 years I have worked as a Land Surveyor, the last 10 for a Local Government Architects department, also for the last 10 years I have increasingly been edged towards exterior space design and contract management.

                      Luckily (for me), I am the only one in the department (of around 20 people) who as shown an interest in architectural visualisation (odd, but true). This is partly because being a government department we get our work handed to us, but on the occassions we do have to tender for work my services are required.

                      Arch Vis wise it's quite an up and down job, mainly because there is a council standing order to not make new designs look expensive or as though they have had excess amounts of tax payers money spent on them (I kid you not), the result is a lot of very boring buildings that look like giant concrete blocks.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by yog
                        there is a council standing order to not make new designs look expensive or as though they have had excess amounts of tax payers money spent on them (I kid you not), the result is a lot of very boring buildings that look like giant concrete blocks.

                        "Uh oh, that building looks waaaaay too nice. Can't you make it look like it was made from paper mache or something?? Break out some windows while you're at it..."


                        • #13
                          hehehe...dogzilla, that's how I felt at the time too.

                          Architect by training, but not by choice. Practiced for a couple of years and thought it a thankless job. No longer in the game...

                          Now I consider myself a digital illustrator (arch viz. seems a narrow title) and senior lecturer in 3d animation at a uni.

                          Whatever time I have left over, I spend walking my hyperactive dog

                          I would consider myself a professional using VRay, not necessarily a professional VRay user.

                          Vu Nguyen


                          • #14
                            I studied Broadcast Television, worked as a stock footage researcher & librarian, spent a few years doing 3D & video work for interactive media CD-ROMS, and now design on-line casino games. I use VRay for all my 3D work, both day-job & freelance.

                            I'm still waiting to grow up though.
                            [ ]


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by dejaVu
                              I would consider myself a professional using VRay, not necessarily a professional VRay user.
                              that's a VERY, VERY good point that many tend to forget, dejaVu.....even though these are wonderfull apps (max/vray etc...) they are still tools in the our hands...

                              I'm getting my masters in arch in december (think i said that somewhere else) and currently doing arch viz at a large arch-engineering firm in Omaha, NE. - US.....yeah, right smack in the middle of the country
                              i think after a few years (maybe 2) in viz I'll go for the licensing exams to become an actual architect....but for now I'm having too much fun as a arch viz guy - love it!!

                              also,even thouigh i'm fairly new here, I have to say that this is the most active board I've ever seen - very help full


