You could have bronze silver gold packages, You submit your own pc spec and you get placed in the same package, this is a share service. If you wish to use a silver or gold package to get something done quickly, you could pay a fee per frame or something on top of submitting your pc as a render node. I think most 3d artists have a decent enough spec as a work station, if that was multiplied by x then it would be rendered in no time.
I guess it would have to be distributed rendering so that if you go offline the frame can still be rendered using others. Heres a question, is there a limit to the amount of renderers that can be used to render 1 image? I.e. could you have 1000 computers on the same image? It all makes sense to me and I hope to see it in the future. Peer 2 peer rendering!
I guess it would have to be distributed rendering so that if you go offline the frame can still be rendered using others. Heres a question, is there a limit to the amount of renderers that can be used to render 1 image? I.e. could you have 1000 computers on the same image? It all makes sense to me and I hope to see it in the future. Peer 2 peer rendering!