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Help to create dome sky! thank you

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  • Help to create dome sky! thank you

    Could you help me?
    How can i create a dome sky to use with skies images?

    thank you in advance for your help

  • #2
    You can place your image in the Max environment slot, set it to spherical map and use Vray override environment to GI your skylight source.



    • #3
      * now in portuguese *
      * sorry guys *

      Obrigado GonçaloP!
      Já agora podias descrever o processo em Portugues?
      Sei também que há uma maneira de por as imagens do céu mais realisticas atraves de uma meia esfera etc. Já tentei mas nunca ficam nada de jeito. Já agora se souberes este processo e pudesses dar uma explicação agradecia-te imenso.

      Obrigado, mais uma vez e parabéns pelo teu trabalho que já tive oportunidade de ver


      • #4

        Para conseguires uma boa imagem de fundo, precisas de usar um mapa de alta resolução.
        Existem alguns sites onde se vendem mapas para esse efeito, só tens de aplicar na slot de "Environment" o mapa que quiseres e renderizar a imagem.... Importante selecionar a opção "Environ" do referido mapa e alterar o modo de visualização para "Spherical Environment".



        • #5
          Obrigado Gonçalo!
          Só agora deu para te agradecer... Estive sem acesso à net!


          • #6
            this seems a good place to clear this up. when trying to create a skydome with an inverted normal hemisphere you will get no environment light coming though. some people say they prefer this approach to sky rather than environment slot. im still not sure why yet though

            MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
            stupid questions the forum can answer.


            • #7
              it's maybe too early, but since few month some friends and me are writing a new enviroment presetsystem for Max, Lightwave, C4D (....) which is based on a textfile which describe all settings for a complete BG/Enviroment light setup and which will be load all settings and keylights for you.

              It's based on our practical experience to use smaller, and convolved hdrs for additonal lighting and reflections and a very highsized LDR BG image for rendering the BG.

              The whole presetsystem (fileformat) will work on any common render and 3dapp and will give you similar results...

              just click and load a basic setup

              for more informations i have setup a board, since the first betas for max and LW are available. ..we still talking about the content of the (SDR) textfile itself and don't want too much light on it.. so don't spread it too much
     | - home of hdri knowledge


              • #8
                Wow it looks great! Cant wait to try it

