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Tintin and the future for movies

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  • Tintin and the future for movies

    After seen the making of Tintin I was wondering if in this is part of the beginning of the end for the top money for famous actors , they are not necessarily good of the characters there was Gollum in Lord of the rings, So they are very good in corporal expression and good actors but maybe they don't have the look, the others are unknown to me and for sure way cheaper than Tom Cruise....CG Characters and the new technology are the future for new films, where animating them is recreating a wireframes in real life.......extracting data from any object, filming with virtual cameras.
    If you really design a character, taking in consideration what the people wants from it, in the future one could find CG actors for sale in turbosquid for millions....It sounds funny but possible. Investing money in CG character could be the business of the future....Imaging an action movie where you could create different version of the movie for each market, so the main character could be Caucasian in one version and Asian in other version, matching the best look per market.

    show me the money!!

  • #2
    well I certainly didn't think Gollum made a good job of Captain Haddock - and for the sake of humanity in film I hope your idea never happens!
    (I found the Tintin movie disappointing, but that's another discussion)


    • #3
      I agreed with you, but seeing what it's happening after Avatar more directors want to play with that technology and of course, if it get refine to the point from the financial point of view get cheaper build the Avatar of an actor they will do it...a huge percent of the movies that Hollywood produces are crap so the famous actors pretty much are in the film less time each year because they are replace them by special effects sequences, stuntmen or CG.... It's not my idea but it could be a tendency....Some years ago with Final Fantasy, everybody was talking about if was possible to do it but in that movie the facial expression were terrible. Motion capture got a good push for movies and today you can see a big improvement in the animation.
      Avatar & Tintin don't have a representation of a real person, Tintin is in the middle of Cartoon and photo realistic but in few year they will get there( But I hope in several years).
      show me the money!!

