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Krakatoa - few questions

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  • Krakatoa - few questions


    I was just wondering how does krakatoa aid fumefx, phoenixfd and other sims? I'm watching vids and all its doing is creating particle effects- its that what its designed to do ? We use it to render smoke, instead of fumeFX smoke or what? Is it just detail that we get from it which then we have to comp in post ??

    Thanks, bye.
    CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look

  • #2
    Yep - the main benefit of krak is you can fire through millions of particles using the movement of your sim. If you render a low res fume sim, it'll appear blocky due to the cubic nature of the sim - you're pretty much render a 3d grid of transparent blocks. With krakatoa, for wispy smoke and the such, it'll always appear really sharp in terms of details. If you put particles through the fume grid, it'll keep all the offsets that your particles started with - they don't just get forced through the centre of each grid cell so it'll appear far more detailed than the direct fume render. The actual movement of the smoke won't change, it doesn't gain another finer level of simulation, it'll just that the streams of particles you feed through your sim will be finer.


    • #3
      Right just what I was expecting. What about GI and lighting it? Will it also use FumeFX illumination maps etc etc?
      CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look

