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best way to convert scene units Metres to MM ?

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  • best way to convert scene units Metres to MM ?


    i currently have all my scenes in Metres as system units and MM as display units.
    And i need to work in MM as system units because i work more and more on small objects and need some more precision.

    Now, when i import a old scene (in Metres) into a MM system unit scene, it screws all the bitmaps, i have some strange artefacts in the meshes etc...

    Is there any smart way to do this ?

    thanks !

  • #2
    under "Utilities" click on the "More.." button
    In the list that pops up you'll find a thing called "Rescale World Units"

    try that
    (not on the merged scene, but on the old scene)

    I haven't used it in a while, so can't remember which way to set it. either 1000 or 0.001
    You'll have to check the "help" for more info
    Last edited by Morne; 30-04-2012, 02:16 AM.
    Kind Regards,


    • #3
      Been using the utility above quite a bit recently and seems to work just fine!
      James Burrell
      Visit my Patreon


      • #4
        Yeah, tried that, but it still messes up some geometry...


        • #5
          I've only ever found that it will mess up geometry that have a modifier where a number can be entered... Think noise modifier or renderable spline etc wont convert the unit so a renderable spline with say, a 1mm width setting will convert to a 1m width setting if you were to convert your scene from mm to m. How to combat this other than collapsing a mesh or just changing the setting in the modifier, im not sure...
          James Burrell
          Visit my Patreon


          • #6
            how about in the old scene:
            set display units also to M same as unit scale
            using the scale tool and scale your hole scene UP to 1000%
            then in that same scene change your system and display units from M to mm
            Go to a new scene with mm units for display and system
            merge old scene into here?
            Kind Regards,


            • #7
              Well, with a powerboolean it doesnt work very well

              but will try Morne's method !


              • #8
                Originally posted by muoto View Post
                Well, with a powerboolean it doesnt work very well

                but will try Morne's method !
                Let us know if it works
                Kind Regards,


                • #9
                  using scale 1000% didn't work well, it doesnt chnage spinner values etc...

                  will try to set up scene units in MM and then to a rescale world units, and maybe do a xform...


                  • #10
                    The only reliable way to do it i've found is to collapse all your modifier stacks.


                    • #11
                      Try this:

                      Make sure your main scene is in M
                      Reset Max and change the units to mm in a new file
                      Do a merge with your scene in M

                      How's that work?
                      Colin Senner


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MoonDoggie View Post
                        How's that work?
                        Still breaks certain modifiers - i believe shell & sweeps dont get converted, and some edit poly commands if there are a few in a stack.


                        • #13
                          Bah. Try the utility then.
                          Colin Senner


                          • #14
                            How about u open max with ur scene in MM.

                            At that same time open new max and change its empty scene units to Meters.

                            Then open with the meters set up max ur mm scene and tell it to autorescale...

                            see if that works...

                            I have feling its the same thing as MoonDoggie said o.o
                            CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

                   - come and look

