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2013 - LAG After Render

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  • 2013 - LAG After Render

    Here we go again. In 2012 I fixed this by just switching OFF "Improve Quality Progressively" in viewport. This trick doesnt work for me however on max 2013.
    Anything else I can try?
    Kind Regards,

  • #2
    maximize and minimizing viewports for example takes like 15 seconds
    Kind Regards,


    • #3
      question you really need max 2013?
      while on subsription here, we usually transfer to newest release like after 6 months or so...just to give bloody autodesk to come up with the fixes


      • #4
        and seems to me they messed up the "select object" code again. It constantly selects wrong objects where I'm nowhere near clicking on. Have to zoom right IN to select objects
        maybe its a Nitrous thing
        Kind Regards,


        • #5
          Originally posted by PIXELBOX_SRO View Post
          question you really need max 2013?
          while on subsription here, we usually transfer to newest release like after 6 months or so...just to give bloody autodesk to come up with the fixes
          i still haven't installed 2012 yet! had it sat in my drawer for a while just waiting until i get some time between projects to install and make sure it all works ok!
          when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro - hunter s. thompson


          • #6
            also when you have your move tool active and a locked object, your icon would show the "move" icon no matter where you are in the viewport. BUT NOW they've changed that so that it only shows the move icon when you're hovering over the move gizmo. If your object is locked, you can still move it from anywhere in the viewport, but if you're not on the move gizmo it just shows the normal mouse pointer. Whole time makes you think you dont have move active
            Kind Regards,


            • #7
              and when you've just open your scene and your in a top view in wireframe and try to select stuff, it selects whatever is on top (asif your'e in shaded view). To fix this you have to go into shaded view and back into wireframe, then it selects the correct things

              You'd think that's the 1st thing beta testers would have picked up. Maybe these are just unique problems on my system

              EDIT: We've tested this on another system with same result. Autodesk, I have no words........
              I'm speechless
              Last edited by Morne; 16-05-2012, 01:24 AM.
              Kind Regards,


              • #8
                So...2013 isn't really an improvement on 2012, especially when using vray (and not MR) ?
                So...not worth updating scenes yet ?


                • #9
                  well I did notice they changed the "2" at the end with a "3"

                  couldnt resist

                  Each new version always has more new bugs. But then there are those 1 or 2 new things that make it all worth while. We get use to the bugs and learn to live with it and work around it and in the end its still a great product.
                  Kind Regards,


                  • #10
                    yeah but for arch vis and product vis, and if you don't use nitrous (too slow), what's new or improved ?

                    didn't find anything really until now...


                    • #11
                      I actually like nitrous now, although I dont know if the selection issue is because of nitrous in 2013. But in 2012 I started loving nitrous after I changed my system units from inches to meter. It was FLYING. Too early to tell if I still like it in 2013.

                      One thing they changed is that by DEFAULT you can now pan and zoom using middle mouse button DURING object creation like drawing splines. Although in another thread some1 told me that you could manually set max in earlier versions to behace like that. At 1st glance I liked the new gradient background. Great for product viz or exteriors. But for interiors its just too distracting and I turn it off.

                      I also had some initial problems with Backburner 2013, but after doing couple of renders it seems to have sorted itself out for the most part. One thing that I found however in Backburner 2013 that bugs me to no end is that if you render an animation with "skip existing frames" and you stop the job and next day or later start it again after shutting down computers, it starts from the beginning again, then after few seoncds it realised no wait those frames exist, but then that slave shows asif it rendered it in 2 seconds, then it thinks hey this pc is fast and assign like 20 frames at a time to it, then when it actually starts with a frame, the frame list in backburner monitor doesnt update
                      Kind Regards,


                      • #12
                        what i don't like about nitrous, is that's a bit slower, and that the transparency kind of sucks. the progressive refinement of the transparency is every time updated when you move around.
                        maybe there's a way to optimise that though, but haven't found it.

                        the pan while drawing splines is indeed usefull


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by muoto View Post
                          the progressive refinement of the transparency is every time updated when you move around.
                          just switch off the progressive refinement
                          Kind Regards,


                          • #14
                            yeah but then the trasparency and shadows are sooooo noisy


                            • #15
                              its official

                              2013 is a total waste of time. I've uninstalled backburner 2013 and installed backburner 2008 and now all is well again in the land of net render.

                              As for max 2013.... isolate is also totally messed up now. You would be in isolate mode with say 5 objects. Merge new things in. Delete 1 object and it auto exists isolate mode

                              I was totally optimistic when 2012 came out and overlooked the bugs back then and could live with most things. I'm giving 2013 another day or 2 then switching back to 2012
                              Last edited by Morne; 17-05-2012, 06:09 AM.
                              Kind Regards,

