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  • #16
    arrr thats crazy ! Im just happy that UK gets 85% of its movies quite fast... only some have idiotic dates months after global premiere lol...
    CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look


    • #17
      I think there was rumor that Cameron was to direct the second one...
      Dmitry Vinnik
      Silhouette Images Inc.


      • #18
        david cameron? ye gods.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Morbid Angel View Post
          I think there was rumor that Cameron was to direct the second one...
          mike fleming from
          "Insiders at the studio tell me that James Cameron might have made a slightly humorous off handed comment about a Prometheus sequel on the red carpet, but it’s not true he’s planning a Prometheus sequel; this falls into the April Fool’s category as I surmised in the original post. He’s too busy with Avatar sequels to consider anything else. Some Deadline commenters said the entire Guardian piece was based on a hoax story. What fun."
          paolo vaja


          • #20
            I saw the movie and wow is really difficult for me to think is a movie from Ridley Scott, the director of Blade runner, the director of alien... mmmm really deluded i am. Some design is nice but not more than this. About creatures choices really seems they choose to stay to very low level about the script "mamma mia" what horrible thing. Ok the only appreciating thing I can found is the fact we (Human behing) probably would be not decided on what to ask if we could do only one question to our creators about where they come from or if we can live forever. First is shown the ship is populated by a huge amount of peoples, than only some of them, few of them, the main characters, take critical decisions without any real discussion or planning, very superficial way to threat the main situations that interest the (history) all peoples inside the ship and all the humans behing on the heart, permitting to peoples to be so superficial and then think to return on the heart. No real hierarchy, militar hierarchy that whould be present like second army officer, second captain or something like this. Who wrotes the scripts seems really poor about how peoples for that kind of mission (he could ispired himself from classics of military movie like the submarine movies or only one "the hunt of red october") with all that risks should be governed and safeguarded plus the risk of Contaminations inplied and how they threat that risk, proper not believable.The scientist submits herself to a surgery, than after got a drastic cut of abds, she return fastly to run, jump and make herself suspended bye the arms....(wow what good medicines in the futures). The first mission begins with the opening of the doors and the mechanical geared device with scientists starts faster than we would start in the morning to go to work with our cars knowing perfectly the road to do and the traffic we would find..Before to approach the landing they don't know about the surface they will land onto...In 5 minutes they discovered everything about athmosphere, ground composition etc etc..... I think the movie was thought and developed very very fast, too fast, loosing any chance to do something many money wasted for so really bad movie.If sci-fi is this like prometheus and Avatar wow what bad level we are reaching going better to return back to the eighties sci-fi movies obviously INMHO
            Last edited by pengo; 31-08-2012, 07:21 AM.
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            • #21
              Well, some attribute it to the fact that the script writer originally worked on "Lost", where the lack of a coherent story apparently works well...

              Best regards,
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


              • #22
                I never watched lost, but here is an issue with such approach is that it may work for a tv series that drags on for 10 will absolutely not work in the movie that spans 2-3 hours. In general I find movies these days are shallow and lack certain depth that they used to have back 20-30 years. I think one of the biggest issues today is that instead of a film being directed by a single individual who has a vision or a few individuals who collaborate closely together to create an epic, the films are driven instead by investors who think that if they pay for the movie they get to tell them how to make it, and really screw it up...just look at transformers
                Dmitry Vinnik
                Silhouette Images Inc.

