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warning! adsl and thunderstorms dont mix.

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  • warning! adsl and thunderstorms dont mix.

    maybe everyone else knewthis but i (expensively) didnt.

    just built myself 2 lovely new workstations (in one box.. see here:

    connected them both to my adsl modem and been playing with them for a few weeks.

    had a big thunderstorm right overhead last night. got so bad that despite having a ups with surge protection, i decided to shut everything down and unplug all the power, just to be safe,including the modem.

    had a few wobbles in the lights, and one strike was so close it set off the house alarm next door.

    today, i plugged everything back in and it all works, -apart from the ethernet ports on the modem, AND the ethernet ports on BOTH my new workstation motherboards. Completely dead.

    since this is how i connect to the internet and each machine to each other, this is qute a big problem.

    seems unplugging the power isnt enough. seems there is no surge protection anywhere in the modem or the italian phone system, or my motherboards..

    should have unplugged the phoneline too

    now my only option is to either try to return both motherboards ( with the same component blown on both :O/ ) or to get some pcie ethernet adapters.

    annoyingly ill have to do some more case modding to fit in ethernet adapters and i HATE the idea of having broken components in my new machine.

    i dont expect anyone to have a solution to my problem, but maybe it will persuade someone to unplug the phoneline, or purchase an ethernet/phoneline surge protector. i had no idea i needed one..

  • #2
    Wow i always thought this type of thing was an old wives tale. Thanks for the info!
    James Burrell
    Visit my Patreon


    • #3
      I always unplug everything is connect to my pcs and also Tv (both power both the cable of antenna)when I see a big thunderstorm.....but often you have to be lucky...because if it happen when you aren't at home...


      • #4
        the chances are MORE likely that you'll be hit through the telephone line, than the power
        Kind Regards,


        • #5
          ive been reading up.. surge protectors are not sure to protect you. so im thinking to get a wi fi dongle for my main workstation and route only the adsl throught that. the rest will stay on ethernet, but no direct connection to an external line.


          • #6
            some UPS have the protection for the phone could be another solution...


            • #7
              yes but if what i have read is correct, NO type of surge protector is guaranteed against lightning strikes in the vicinity.


              • #8
                exactly...but better than nothing.....

                Anyway...yesterday night...thunders.... I woke up at 1 o'clock tu unplug all...

