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Premiere Export Problem - layer with alpha goes wack

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  • Premiere Export Problem - layer with alpha goes wack

    Hi all

    I have 5 or 6 shots layered over each other and during viewport playback it looks perfect. Zoom in and all good. (original footage is tga sequence with alpha rendered from max against black background). So viewport looks fine. As soon as I export the movie (in other words the final flattened mp4 version without alpha), the layers with alpha goes wack. It suddenly has that horrible white halo around the alphad objects, almost asif I originally rendered against white, instead of black.

    I thought maybe this is a premultiplied thing, but it can't be because like I say its fine in viewport and when applying effects etc. Only the final export is wrong.

    Any tips or something I might have missed?
    Kind Regards,

  • #2
    Are you layering 2 tga sequences in Premiere to create the mp4?


    • #3
      yes (there's 3 tga sequences and 4 titles)

      the bottom most tga layer has no alpha and is my backplate. The other 2 is objects layered over it.
      Kind Regards,


      • #4
        People still use TGA files?
        - Geoff


        • #5
          In this instance I didnt have a choice. It was either tga or png.

          Any chance that its the codec?
          I'll try to export it as a bmp sequence and if that works just re-import the sequence and then export as mp4. But something tells me something is wrong in the "flattening" process
          Kind Regards,


          • #6
            If you have After Effects you can drag the Premiere comp into that and export from there. I like exporting in AE MUCH better than Premiere.
            - Geoff


            • #7
              Just an update: From Premiere I tried to export as bmp sequence, but same story.

              Thanks for the AE tip however, I'll give that a try next time
              Kind Regards,

