dear all,
i needed to export many max scenes and as the exporter knows only standard objects, cams and lights, i needed an easy way, best one single script, that transforms all vray cams and materials etc into standard max objects (simple color for mat is enough). if t converted vray ies too woud be even better.
i searched abit on but havent found one that does all that, (most i found convert standard things into vray, not reverse)
(Sorry for the maybe basic question , am c4d user mainly)
any idea? is there a tool that does that easy (without manually converting)
p.s (i am also willing to pay some for such a script if one woudl make it with some tools like that for us, i guess its not too hard to make in max script)
i needed to export many max scenes and as the exporter knows only standard objects, cams and lights, i needed an easy way, best one single script, that transforms all vray cams and materials etc into standard max objects (simple color for mat is enough). if t converted vray ies too woud be even better.
i searched abit on but havent found one that does all that, (most i found convert standard things into vray, not reverse)
(Sorry for the maybe basic question , am c4d user mainly)
any idea? is there a tool that does that easy (without manually converting)
p.s (i am also willing to pay some for such a script if one woudl make it with some tools like that for us, i guess its not too hard to make in max script)