So did anyone here migrated to new system? Is it safe to use in work environment?
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anyone working on windows 8?
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I was just wondering the same thing.
I am and I m not having any issues. I was a beta tester so, I am comfortable with the UI. As far as the O/S, it seems rock solid.Bobby Parker
phone: 2188206812
My current hardware setup:- Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
- 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
- ​Windows 11 Pro
Bobby, did you have any issues with the Wibu Server software? I just installed windows 8
on my home computer and the Wibukey Network Server software just fails to run. I originally
got windows 8 to recognise the dongle but now it doesn't even do that. Any help/advice you
can offer would be much appreciated.
I am running Windows 8 on my laptop with MAX 2013 and VRAY 2. I haven't tried running VRAY, yet.Bobby Parker
phone: 2188206812
My current hardware setup:- Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
- 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
- ​Windows 11 Pro
I've been a bit annoyed with the overly secure (to me) nature of it. Yesterday I installed this script and had to spend a half hour researching how to keep Windows from blocking it.
Also, I've been having troubles with Max and my Wacom tablet. The standard right-click quad menu won't work. You can bring it up but you can't click on anything. Though the ones that require Alt, Ctrl, and Shift will work if you hold those down the whole time. And there is no way to get rid of the ripple effect. In a way it is an improvement over Windows 7 where it wasn't usable at all unless you went into the guts of it, disabled everything, and killed wsptis.exe. But at least in Windows 7 there was a way to get it working 100% perfectly.- Geoff
so just curious why people desire to switch to windows 8 from 7, what is there that windows 7 does not have (not talking about metro ui).Dmitry Vinnik
Silhouette Images Inc.
For me it was that my C-Drive was starting to die (during the hurricane, no less), I hadn't heard anyone say anything bad about Windows 8 (though I can't say I spent much time digging), and upgrading was only $40. Plus, hey, new and shiny!- Geoff
speed in what? memory, networking etc?Dmitry Vinnik
Silhouette Images Inc.
I tried Windows 8. I haven't spent a lot of time on it but I find switching back to the metro launch page extremely annoying. The quick access to everything was taken away because you need to mouse to far, wait for a menu pop out animation, etc...
Also, by default things like the default picture viewer now run full screen. This is a huge mistake. I do not need my computer to run like a tablet I need my computer to multi task in many Windows that are visible at the same time.
I don't see Windows 8 making headway into production houses because the extra navigation slows down highly productive people. Most power users are thinking 3-4 steps ahead of what they are doing and when you implement things that slow down each of the steps you wind up creating frustration from the user.