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Elite IV on Kickstarter

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  • Elite IV on Kickstarter

    Im sure some of you remember classic 80's space sim Elite.
    One of the original creators is using Kickstarter to fund a reboot!
    Nat Saiger

  • #2
    I have really mixed feelings about this. I have been looking forward to another Elite since the original but I am not blown away by what they have shown so far or even what they are planning.

    The types of games the studio has released recently are all off my radar. They are also in a bad position because expectations will be running extremely high after all this time and there is going to be a lot of stiff competition in this genre soon.

    I would LOVE to play another Elite though and I will buy it if it is ever released but I am going to wait and see what happens.


    • #3
      I used to love this game on the BBC. The artists impressions look great. I've always wanted a game where I felt like I was actually in space. Egosoft's X series was good but it rarely made me feel like something small in a large universe. I would say that Eve online is probably better in that way. I would love to see this game with a bit more emphasis on simulation so things like planet re-entry procedures, docking procedures (until you get the computer), docking with another ship and possibly even walking around your own ship, skimming across planets was possible. I thought about the use of procedural systems ages ago myself and how there could be so many games that would benefit from this type of game engine. You could pour so much more detail into everything using this type of system. It surprises me that more games developers haven't adopted this type of system. If this game lives up to my expectations I will be happy


      My Portfolio


      • #4
        It's now past the £500,000 mark!
        There are also new pledge upgrade rewards including signed books and physical models of ships.
        Hopefully, more videos and info coming soon.
        Nat Saiger


        • #5
          I'll keep an eye on things and maybe do a pledge of my own at some stage.


          My Portfolio


          • #6
            Now just short of 90% funded with only 6 days to go. :O
            £20 for digital download of the game. £80 for digital download + all future add-ons.
            Nat Saiger


            • #7
              You might be interested to know that Chris Roberts - maker of Wing Commander is kickstarting his own space sim - Star Citizen. It sounds pretty awesome: &

              Also some opportunities for good modellers out there by the sounds of it. Design your own ship and sell it as a ship that can be played in game (if it gets approved). Pretty cool...


              My Portfolio

