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spline to nurbs curve

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  • spline to nurbs curve

    as title suggests, i wish to concert a spline into a nurbs curve.

    if you right click and hit convert to nurbs, i get a perfect nurbs curve, but its object type is "nurbs surface" this means i cant use it for an animation path etc.

    i cant even see a way to detatch a nurbs curve from the "nurbs surface" there is a detach button, i go to the curve subobject, choose the curve, hit detatch, it asks if the name "curve001" is ok, i say yes, and it gives me another "nurbs surface" object called curve001. grr.

    there is an old maxscript here:

    which seems to do what i want, but its very old and does precisely nothing in max 2012.. not even an error.

    any suggestions? im sure its something very easy but ive always avoided the max nurbs toolkit like the plague, and as a result i have a bit of a gap in my knowledge.

    cheers all..

  • #2
    The script defines a utility. If you go to the utilities tab of the main control panel and select Maxscript there is a pulldown also called utilities. Your tool lives in there. I've not tried it btw.
    Dan Brew


    • #3
      Create a spline. Create some Dummy NURBS CV Curve (Point Curve works as well but the spline will allways be a CV Curve).
      Attach the spline to the NURBS Curve. Delete the Dummy NURBS Curve in Subobject Mode and you have your spline as CV Curve.


      • #4
        nice! sounds like just the simple solution i was looking for


        • #5
          ha.. that is really.. err.. simple. didnt occur to me you could attach a spline to a nurbs curve. works like a charm. thanks.

