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my trip to Italy

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  • my trip to Italy

    Hello all,

    last week I got back from a trip to italy (home sweet home - but I now I live and work in the US) and I put up some pics I took of some places for every one to see.....

    mostly Milan, my hometown and Florence, that i visited when I was back in the old country.....

    in each of the two categories (Milan and Florence) there are 3 to 5 zips of 10 to 20 MBs (yeah I know...they are big) in size. There is a lot of art/architecture and city life pics......and you never know, some useful texture for 3d

    I haven't had time to photoshop them, so some might look too dark or blurry, and I don't have captions on them.

    hope you enjoy them, especially those of you that never been there.....and let me know if you have any problems downloading/viewing them.

    here's the links:


  • #2

    Hey Cocolas! Thanks for posting links to the pics, I'm currently downloading them and I'm looking forward to checking them out. Especially as I took a trip to Milan myself a few months ago.. I really loved it and as you said the architecture is quite phenomenal.. I took a lot of photographs myself which I hope to put on my website (really simple one I've made for photography ) There's a couple on there at the moment so check them out if you like .


    • #3
      hey, thanks JK!!
      I looked at your pics...really nice, especially the ones of close ups flowers....I love that DOF.

      my parents' house is about 20 minutes away from that cathedral in Milan....i like your pics of it.
      i had some good pics of the outside but the inside was a bit too dark for my camera flash...

      I also put these ones up ...again.....they are of the Duomo (main church) of Florence...probably one of my favourite buildings of all time.....really stunning stuff......too bad you can't find craftsmen as dedicated and talented as back than.....

      here's the link:

      as for the photography itself.....well it's nothing too special but it get's the job done..


