Hi all,
A stupid question:
When using backburner, do all the render slaves need the paths configuring in user paths to point to the textures on the server?
At the moment we just copy a standard .ini file to all slaves to map all the directories, but I have just looked and it does over 1000 each time. I think the max is 1024.
We always add textures in 3dsmax via the full server path anyway (ie \\servername\maps\dir\map.jpg), so I would have thought hard coding the paths in max is pretty redundant when doing them like this? Surely it would speed things up not having to look at all paths?
Any thoughts on this before I attack the renderfarm?
A stupid question:
When using backburner, do all the render slaves need the paths configuring in user paths to point to the textures on the server?
At the moment we just copy a standard .ini file to all slaves to map all the directories, but I have just looked and it does over 1000 each time. I think the max is 1024.
We always add textures in 3dsmax via the full server path anyway (ie \\servername\maps\dir\map.jpg), so I would have thought hard coding the paths in max is pretty redundant when doing them like this? Surely it would speed things up not having to look at all paths?
Any thoughts on this before I attack the renderfarm?
