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Adobe Creative Cloud anyone?

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  • #16
    Think of it like it's a utility, like electricity or gas. Though the other day I learned that on your taxes it goes in the miscellaneous section, after spending a half hour on the phone with the people at TurboTax.
    - Geoff


    • #17
      Originally posted by YoyoBoy View Post
      Cloud is just what they're calling it. None of your data goes to them -unless you use their cloud storage system, which is by no means mandatory. Yet.
      Geoff, If none of your data goes to them, how is your custom configuration handled? Such as plugins and such?


      • #18
        The only difference between the cloud stuff and the full suite is that the cloud programs ping occasionally to see if your subscription is active before they open. You install your plugins and such normally. It should be noted that you can use the programs off the grid, but I'm sure that there is a time limit for it (probably days).
        - Geoff


        • #19
          I also switched to their cloud offer.
          I use the Software as always, saving Projects and files to HDD.
          Never used their cloud Storage solution.
          Its like dropbox or skydrive.
          Reflect, repent and reboot.
          Order shall return.


          • #20
            Cloud computing in general means you store your data on their servers as simple as that. If you don´t do that it´s not a cloud (no matter what the marketing douchebags tell you)
            but a subscription wich is btw. much more expensive than just updating every few years what you really need. I mean seriously in times like these.. does anyone really believe
            they make a new pricing model that makes you pay less in the end ?


            • #21
              Well, for people like me, it's a no-brainer. I regularly use AE, PS, PR, and DW. Since getting the Cloud, I'm now using Acrobat Pro a lot, as well as Audition and In Design. I just wish I used Flash too, then I think I would have an orgasm thinking about the value I'm getting.
              - Geoff


              • #22
                yeah.. Maybe wait for two years with that orgasm until the special offer is over and cloud storage is mandatory


                • #23
                  Originally posted by samuel_bubat View Post
                  yeah.. Maybe wait for two years with that orgasm until the special offer is over and cloud storage is mandatory
                  How could this possibly work? My photoshop files are routinely between 200k-400k so I'm going to transfer them everytime I save or open. Sounds a bit unrealistic.

                  Do you have any source for this?
         - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


                  • #24
                    well, if you think in terms of today's technology.... but, what about a gigabyte bandwidth? Saving to cloud would be just as fast as saving to your local network.
                    Bobby Parker
                    phone: 2188206812

                    My current hardware setup:
                    • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
                    • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
                    • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
                    • ​Windows 11 Pro


                    • #25
                      True, but I don't see that happening in 2 years with enough users to make it a legitimate option. Not to mention the additional cost of gigabit internet adding on to the Adobe Cloud subscription cost. If it starts going over $100 for both I'd be better off just purchasing the software outright, I'm sure Adobe has factored this in.
             - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by dlparisi View Post
                        How could this possibly work? My photoshop files are routinely between 200k-400k so I'm going to transfer them everytime I save or open. Sounds a bit unrealistic.

                        Do you have any source for this?
                        Of course not, and I would think the smiley indicates that.
                        But why do you think it´s unrealistic ? Having all your Data
                        on their server is of great value for every big company. Just read through
                        the EULA and you will notice that you grant these people a license on your work.
                        The majoritiy of all cloud services nowadays means nothing else but storing your data
                        on their server. And if shit hits the fan like here
                        than it´s up to you to tell your customer you can´t access their sensitive data because you
                        thought it was a great idea to store them in the cloud.

                        Cloud in general is a pretty obscure term. A cloud is a good thing if used
                        right for the right purpose.
                        Dropbox is great if you´re working on a project that does not contain sensitive data.
                        But nowadays everything is labled "cloud" and people don´t even know what it is.
                        People buy a subscription! because it´s cheap for the moment
                        and in the end of the year Adobe will tell how awesome their cloud business is running.
                        I would even bet that it will be normal in some years to store all your data somewhere else
                        and it will be normal that a software you pay for will not be yours but just a license for the time you pay.
                        for example if you payed and used the Adobe cloud for some years and let´s say they raise the prices
                        than there´s nothing you can do about it. If you cancel the sub. you have nothing left, no license, no software
                        while you payed some thousend bucks for it.

                        Again one can´t seriously believe that a company of the size of Adobe
                        makes a new pricing model aimed to make software cheaper for you. Never ever !
                        (in case of Adobe the difference between "cloud" and "new pricing model" is semantic)

                        Btw. the whole idea is an old fart. It´s what Unix did 20-30 years ago with thin clients and their
                        x-window system. But it needed some shiny term like "cloud" to make people pay for it.
                        In human history centralization has never turned out to be a good idea.... and cloud is nothing
                        but a centralization of data.


                        • #27
                          I remember reading about something either AutoDesk or Adobe was working on where the program interface was just something that sent your actions to a remote cloud computer and what you saw was a realtime playback of what you were doing. So the user never had the files locally, it was all just happening on a nicer computer elsewhere.
                          - Geoff

