Quite a few of our images call for transparent curtains -like privacy ones, not blackout ones.
Normally, I do a wavy line and extrude it up, but I am never sure what the correct texture is. I thought a white vray2sided material would suffice, but I cannot get it to look very transparent with either the value close to black or close to white. At the moment, I also have a grey vraycolour in the opacity slot.
Is there the 'proper' way to do this?
Normally, I do a wavy line and extrude it up, but I am never sure what the correct texture is. I thought a white vray2sided material would suffice, but I cannot get it to look very transparent with either the value close to black or close to white. At the moment, I also have a grey vraycolour in the opacity slot.
Is there the 'proper' way to do this?