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renderng company-take a look

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  • #16
    I agree with thethule. To an artist, those images certainly lack, but for someone using them for their intended purpose, to show the house, I think they look fine. GI would really make them stand out, and as they are exterior scenes, using Gi would simplify the lighting layout and even shorten the process. Too bad that architects are such cheapos.


    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #17

      I know from experience w/ this guy he pays 100-150 bucks an image. How much do you think he charges the client?

      Indecisive archictects will be the death of us all.


      • #18
        shytigercp, are you saying that he would only pay $150.00 for one of the images on the site? Modeling and rendering one view of the house?

        This guy is doing great harm to our profession by lowering the standard of living for us all. As are the people doing this type of work for so liitle money.

        As far as the images go, there fine for what there used for. Just to damn cheap!



        • #19

          Correct I said up above, I use to do these in bulk 18-20 images a batch using FR. It came out to around 100-150 an image. After several big jobs (because I really needed the dough) I told him I was going to start charging my normal rate. He disagreed and I told him I couldn't afford to work w/ him anymore.
          Email him....maybe one of you guys can convince him of paying market value. He will not agree w/ your standard fixed fee or rate because he has to middle the hell out of you.

          Even better, lets take his clients...he has them listed.
          Indecisive archictects will be the death of us all.

