Hi guys. I'm upgrading 4 of my render nodes to windows 7 from XP as it runs a lot faster. I was wondering if you think windows 7 64bit home premium (which is half the cost of pro) is enough for a render node ? Any advice appreciated
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windows 7 - which version
I just checked this page...looks like it might be okay: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-GB/w...mpare#T1=tab01
Could do with some hands on experience if possible though.
It's relatively minor but I have 1 windows 7 home machine that I use as a DR node (the rest are xp) and the vray spawner refuses to launch unless I right click on it and run it as administrator. It runs everything fine otherwise. It's not too big of a deal but it just means that every time I start it up I have to VNC into it and manually start the spawner instead of it automatically launching at startup. There's probably a way around this and maybe something's set up incorrectly but I thought I'd chime in.
PS. I'm also running in a workgroup not a domain.www.dpict3d.com - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.