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Max 2014 extension

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  • Max 2014 extension

    Python is a good addition (finally!) but it is a pretty weak extension.
    I am glad my subscription has expired
    Chris Jackson

  • #2
    duberPython was already there.
    I am hoping hard the Adesk implementation is heaps better.
    Stringing python commands in maxscript is a bleeding nightmare, right now.

    As for the rest, just lol.
    Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

    The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


    • #3
      Maybe something in between of BlurPython and Autodesk.NET sdk? That would be good.

      Best regards,
      Daniel Santana | Co-Founder / Technical Director
      You can do it! VFX
      Lisbon/Porto - Portugal


      • #4
        Something there for about 0.1% of the subscribed user base then... way to go AD nothing like adding a ickle bit of value for us hard cash paying idiots!

        .... . .-.. .--. .-.-.- .--. .-.. . .- ... . ... . -. -.. -.-. .... --- -.-. --- .-.. .- - .
        I need a new signature
        Max2017.1 | Vray 3.70.01| win11
        ASUS Z790PLUS | i9 13900K | 64Gb RAM | Geforce GTX4070Ti


        • #5
          uummm too much to quote, you'd better read it yourself (if you haven't already)

          there's more...a whole lot more.

          take your time it is full on insight, everything is a little clearer now, but I'm not sure I like the look of the look of it.

          .... . .-.. .--. .-.-.- .--. .-.. . .- ... . ... . -. -.. -.-. .... --- -.-. --- .-.. .- - .
          I need a new signature
          Max2017.1 | Vray 3.70.01| win11
          ASUS Z790PLUS | i9 13900K | 64Gb RAM | Geforce GTX4070Ti


          • #6
            Originally posted by ior=0 View Post
            uummm too much to quote, you'd better read it yourself (if you haven't already)

            there's more...a whole lot more.


            take your time it is full on insight, everything is a little clearer now, but I'm not sure I like the look of the look of it.

            I have seen the threads but skimming them does not give me a clear picture of what happened at SIGGRAPH that got everyone so worked up. Is it possible to sum it up for me in a few sentences? Is it all complaining about the direction Autodesk is taking Max or is there something else to it?

            Frankly I really don't use many of the new tools that were added since Max9, though I am a big fan of the camera match in Max2014.


            • #7
              hmph ive just seen the extension for maya *rather* more juicy than the max one. seems Disney now have their fingers in the maya developement process... first they (apparently) paid autodesk to add catmull clark subdivs (a feature we wont find in max because according to AD "its not that kind of software" ?!) and now they are providing what seems to be a very powerful new scattering system. i know we have forestpack but....

              seems maya is destined to get all the professional upgrades and max is limping along with more "hobby grade" stuff. reminds me of a conversation i had with a well known figure at autodesk.. i asked him why the (then new) hair and fur system (which i was having stupid issues with) couldnt do what seemed a basic task, his reply was along the lines of "well its not really meant for professional stuff, more for messing around. get a plugin if you want better"


              • #8
                From what I can gather from reading the various posts around the web is this. Maya is heavily used in the various studios. Instead of doing internal development, they just pay Autodesk to implement the features they need to do their projects. Which is great for Maya development.

                I think the same would be done for Max if there was some big push for X or Y features and some studio was looking to pay most of the bill for that integration.

                I don't know, I could be wrong, but that is what I was getting out of most of the ranting.
                Troy Buckley | Technical Art Director
                Midwest Studios

