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Axis constraints when QuickSlicing?

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  • Axis constraints when QuickSlicing?

    I have a stupid Max question. When you're polymodeling using QuickSlice is there a way to constrain your slices to the XY axis. Like the F8 key in Autocad which locks the cursor to the X and Y axis?

    I have a bunch of planes that I need to slice up where I have to pick a reference point on the left side and slice straight across to the right. I could draw some rectangles snaping to the reference point and use that as a slice guide, but axis constraints seem like such an obvious solution. And Max's XYZ axis constraint toggle only applies to transforms. Unless I'm mistaken. Most illustration/cad apps have similar functions, but my brain is telling me Max doesn't do this. Please prove my brain wrong. Thanks a bunch.

  • #2
    My question would also apply to drawing 2D lines where you want to draw only in the X and Y axis, but can't use Grid snapping.

    [edit] Okay, so SHIFT key works for 2D lines, but not for the QuickSlice tool.
    Last edited by PixelJockey; 27-08-2013, 10:25 AM.


    • #3
      ortho snapping need to add it to your toolbar
      Originally posted by 3DMK
      do I want to be a rich business man or a poor artist?



      • #4
        Brilliant! That'll do it. Thanks.

