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Wrist Pain: Problem Solved

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  • Wrist Pain: Problem Solved

    i had pain in my wrist when working with the mouse.
    i switched to the other hand, but the pain started there, too.
    this happened when i was working 12-14 hours a day for a longer period.
    i was animating several human characters which means a lot of click/dragging.

    i was pretty desperate then.
    i posted here and got advice that solved my problem.

    here is what i did:

    - get rif of mice.

    i bought a wacom intuos2 with an active size of 21x16 cm.
    this works very well with dual monitor setups.
    for my second computer that i use for internet/mail i bought a cirque cruise pad touchpad. its ok for browsing but not for 3d work.


    avoid sports that put strain on your wrist like tennis, swordfighting or masturbation.

    -avoid computer games.

    thats the hardest one. especially because Far Cry is out now.

    -take breaks and pay attention to what you eat.

    thanks again for all your help on this topic,
    you really helped me out of a desperate situation.
    Reflect, repent and reboot.
    Order shall return.

  • #2
    I think the important thing is moderation. Let your wrist heal and then just take it down a notch. You dont really expect us to stop doing ALL of those things do you? lol


    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #3
      you could work 20 hours and relax your hand 2-3 minutes each 10 hours. | - home of hdri knowledge


      • #4

        do you consider that a sport???

        that's really funny......



        • #5
          I was having this problem also on my wrists... It happened from drafting, doing 3d, and playing quake all totaling about 18 hours a day. (yes i had no life at that time). But what i did to solve it was made a new desk. Im sure some of you wont go to these measures, but some may. Anyway, I made a new desk, and I sat at the desk so that my arms were straight. There wasnt any bend in my arms (vertically).

          Now the pain is gone! Worked for me, maybe it will work for someone else too.

