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Photoshop CC not saving files

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  • Photoshop CC not saving files

    Since moving to CC i've lost work on a number of occasions and when searching around found a few other people with this issue.

    Someone else has it here -

    The issue is that you click file-save - but it doesn't do anything. however, it thinks you've saved. so you cant click file-save again (it's greyed out) and if you click the x or close photoshop it closes the file without asking you anything. (but the file was never saved, so it's gone forever)

    In 6 months it's happened 4 times, so it's far too rare to do a save-as and make a unique psd all day long. Anyone else getting this issue?

    It's windows throughout and i've got admin rights so it's nothing to do with a mac/windows link or permissions.

  • #2
    I've run into this several times as well but never lost any work. A fix that's always worked (so far) is going into Photoshop preferences and toggling "Background Save" ... Every time I've run into this, the simple checkbox saved the day.

    Hope that helps!
    Christopher Grant
    Director of Visualization, HMC Architects


    • #3
      I wondered if it was something to do with the new background saving feature. It's nice, but it's dead to me now...

      "here's a new way to save files! (nb: may not actually save the file)"


      • #4
        Holy shit, I've only just started using CC and that's a hugely worrying bug. Thanks for the heads up!
        MDI Digital


        • #5
          Originally posted by AJ Jefferies View Post
          Holy shit, I've only just started using CC and that's a hugely worrying bug. Thanks for the heads up!
          Same here. I just moved over to CC the other day due to the promo discount expiring in April. Good to know about this bug!
          Alex York
          Founder of Atelier York - Bespoke Architectural Visualisation


          • #6
            Just for the record I've been using PS CC since release and have never seen this issue. I love the background save feature personally when working on 5gb comps. Of course if you're having this issue, disable it, but it hasn't failed me yet.
            Colin Senner

