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Render Farm Overhead

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  • #16

    A couple of additional items to consider. I'm not sure what your current work space is like but if you work from home, it's best to have a dedicated 30amp circuit. Residential electrical circuits are not designed to take a lot of additional load, depending on how updated your home is. I work from home and my house is only 7 years old. I only have 5 render slaves and it always popped the circuit breaker until I got a dedicated line. The other thing to consider is the heat generated by a render farm. It's best to set up a dedicated space where the environment is nothing less then a walk in refrigerator, this will save your equipment in the long run. And lastly, depending on how many machines you end up with, place your equipment in a space where the noise will not drive you crazy. However, if you are working in a commercial space then all of the above is pointless.


