Hi Everybody !
Firstly, i would like to thank all of you that makes this forum so fantastic
to all the peoples here that shares their knowledes.It's the best i've ever seen.
It's my first post here and i hope you will excuse me if it's the wrong place to post ...
As so many people are talking about vray.info , i tried to connect
but it's now almost 6 months that i can't access this site
Is there something wrong with it ? i only manage to view the main page via google but i can't open the others pages and it's a pain cause there seems to be so informations over there ....
By advance thanks to all of your responses and once again thanks you for this great forum !!
(excuse my poor english )
Firstly, i would like to thank all of you that makes this forum so fantastic
to all the peoples here that shares their knowledes.It's the best i've ever seen.

It's my first post here and i hope you will excuse me if it's the wrong place to post ...
As so many people are talking about vray.info , i tried to connect
but it's now almost 6 months that i can't access this site
Is there something wrong with it ? i only manage to view the main page via google but i can't open the others pages and it's a pain cause there seems to be so informations over there ....

By advance thanks to all of your responses and once again thanks you for this great forum !!
(excuse my poor english )