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RPManager - lights on/off per pass?

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  • RPManager - lights on/off per pass?

    For those of you that use RPM, can you switch lights on or off per pass?
    Kind Regards,
    Richard Birket


  • #2
    Ignore - I think I have managed to figure it out.
    Kind Regards,
    Richard Birket



    • #3
      You can use the properties panel to assign and change a whole heap of properties such as lights on/off, visible to camera, matte properties just about everything really.
      That said capture property sets can slow down RPM if there are hundreds of items.

      I usually use layer sets (like visibility sets but based on layer structure) to hide objects and lights.
      Tell vray to not render hidden lights and then under where all your passes are in RPM make sure you untick ignore lights.

      This way the lights are hidden according to layers applied in you layer set visibility and so you can easily see in the viewport what lights will render.


      • #4
        Originally posted by pg1 View Post
        Tell vray to not render hidden lights and then under where all your passes are in RPM make sure you untick ignore lights.
        We used this setup pretty successfully on our last project, but the 'untick ignore lights' part I had forgotten about and wound up taking me entirely too long troubleshooting trying to figure out why our layer sets were 'broken', big light bulb moment that
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        • #5
          Don't forget to untick "Lights" at the top of the common RPManager tab as well. (I think this is what Snipey is saying, but I wanted to clarify it's not the global switches "hidden lights", but both need to be unticked. Cheers!
          Colin Senner

