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Animation problem - video stutters/lags

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  • Animation problem - video stutters/lags

    this might not be vray related but i bet there are some video and animation professionals here...So heres my problem, i was rendering out several slow camera movements in FullHD with 25fps and when i import the files into After Effects and do a RAM preview or render out a movie file then the movement is stuttering or lagging, i dont know how to call it. I tried reducing the framesize tp 720p and used 30 fps but still there is this stuttering going on. I never had this problem before and i am running out of ideas and i could use some pointers. I was checking another animation i did 2 weeks ago with exaclty the same settings as above and (720p/30fps) and it plays very smooth, no lagging or stuttering. You can download a small sample file here:
    dont judge the quality, it was just a quick test
    my question is, what casues those laggs and how to avoid them?

    any help is much appreciated

    Last edited by Olli96; 21-04-2015, 08:38 AM.

  • #2
    Basic one - is your after effects project set up to use 25 or 30 fps as it's timecode? You can bring footage with one rate into a project with another rate and it'll try and convert things. Also image sequences are given a default fps in your after effects preferences and it'll use that for every sequence brought in regardless of what your project / composition fps is.


    • #3
      Footage and composition is set to 30 fps. Just did another test with a simpler geometry to fasten things up and slightly different GI settings - somehow this plays fine in After Effects and in vlc player...
      The 1080p footage with 25fps is lagging, the 720p with 30 fps ssems to be fine now, i dont get it. Do you guys render 1080p with 50 fps? Anyway, i will setup another render for tonight in 720p 30fps using the settings i used for my test and see how it comes out. thanks for your input!


      • #4
        I render whatever it's going to be broadcast on - the majority of the shows I'm doing now are american so it's normally 1920 x 1080 at 24fps but when I was working on commercials it was always for broadcast on european stations so it'd always be 25fps and either 720 x 576 back in the standard definition days, or 720p / 1080p for ads. Do you see the playback issue as the video appearing to "tear" at some point or is it another strobeing thing? Is it something like a lack of motion blur instead?


        • #5
          Just watched your video, totally fine over here if this is supposed to be showing an issue.


          • #6
            hmm, yeah, thats what i usually do too, never had to render more then 25 fps for our animations (europe). but this one drives me crazy. i uploaded it to yt so you dont have to download the sample, you got a pm with the link.
            there is nno motion blur enabled but the camera is not really fast, just a slow pan across a couch... nothing fancy. i will run a testrender with mb enabled tonight.


            Just watched your video, totally fine over here if this is supposed to be showing an issue.
            damn...the youtube one? what player are you using?


            • #7
              Back home and guess what, almost no issues with the video tried it on at least 5 computers at work and it always had a playback issue, i cant belive it. at home it plays good, i was setting it to loop to watch it a couple of times and sometimes there is the same issue i have at work but most times it plays allright. now i have to figure it out what causes the troubles at work - a whole day of troubleshooting for something that seemed to work
              thanks again for your feedback!

