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Time management

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  • Time management

    Ok. ive been constantly having problems here. i can never seem to figure out how long a project will take and i always get it wrong. when i try to render something basically ive got no idea how long something will take to finish. Do you guys take the "it will be done when its done attitude"? or do you just tell the client it will be done soon. and then have to tell them its not done yet...then tell them it again since its still not done etc.

    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
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  • #2
    i have that problem,too.
    it normally takes twice as long as i think.
    but 99% of the time the client tells me when the deadline is.

    you could use this formula: (your guess) * 2 = project time

    if i know that i will run into time problems at the end of the project,
    i usually switch to scanline for rendering.
    Reflect, repent and reboot.
    Order shall return.


    • #3
      yeah, I run into the same problem too...always takes longer then one thinks...because of all the tweaking that goes on..especially w/ lighting and mats.....hehe

      but as tammo said most of the time the deadlines are already set....unfortunatly...the problem is making the client realize that it takes longer than they think to do 3d.....and do it well.....

      in my arch firm I have some marketers and project managers that promise the clients the moon by tommorow, not realizing that it just takes time to get stuff right.......I try to nail that in their head....



      • #4
        Yes, a 2 x initial guess is a good way to estimate. I nearly always end up on time then. I have also found it incorporates a certain "fudge factor" too.
        Signing out,


        • #5
          when i got used to the *2 formula , i had to apply another one (my guess *2 ) *2 +1


