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Overcomplicating things?

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  • Overcomplicating things?

    We generally use a BerconTile map with Multitexture for brick wall type materials. I'm always open to new ideas (Walls & Tiles, Mighty Tiles etc). Just found this tutorial. I got to about 3 minutes in before getting lost. FFWD'ing towards the end of the video and I see the most complex setup ever!

    Its like A-Level maths all over again!
    Kind Regards,
    Richard Birket


  • #2
    Ha yeah, indeed I was thinking the same, but I think Itoo just wants to prove that you can even do stuff like that with RailClone and lots more probably, stuff where BerconTile, Walls and Tiles,... will not be sufficient.



    • #3
      Originally posted by Vizioen View Post
      Ha yeah, indeed I was thinking the same, but I think Itoo just wants to prove that you can even do stuff like that with RailClone and lots more probably, stuff where BerconTile, Walls and Tiles,... will not be sufficient.
      Very true, and credit to them for creating such a powerful plugin. I strongly think that they should stick to more logical uses as they just become a bit of a laughing stock around our office with things like this.
      Last edited by tricky; 02-07-2015, 08:00 AM.
      Kind Regards,
      Richard Birket



      • #4
        Originally posted by tricky View Post
        Very true, and credit to them for creating such a powerful plugin. I strongly think that they should stick to more obvious uses as they just become a bit of a laughing stock around our office with things like this.
        One thing you should know about the Itoo tutorials is that they are most of the time, user requested. So somebody that didn't feel like buying Walls 'n Tiles, must have asked if it was possible using RailClone. (I think)



        • #5
          Complicated, probably. But so many potential uses and creations, when you look beyond just making brick walls.
          Railclone and Forest Pack are easily the best investments we've made.


          • #6

            Thanks for the feedback on this. You're right that it was a bit of a complex one and was indeed a suggestion from a user that we thought an interesting usage and demonstrated how flexible RailClone can be. We like to try to create a mix of beginner, intermediate and advanced tutorials, and this was definitely in the latter category.

            We're always open to new tutorial suggestions though, so if you have any ideas for RailClone or Forest Pack please feel free to let us know.


            Paul Roberts
            Training Manager - iToo Software


            • #7
              Originally posted by Paul Roberts View Post

              Thanks for the feedback on this. You're right that it was a bit of a complex one and was indeed a suggestion from a user that we thought an interesting usage and demonstrated how flexible RailClone can be. We like to try to create a mix of beginner, intermediate and advanced tutorials, and this was definitely in the latter category.

              We're always open to new tutorial suggestions though, so if you have any ideas for RailClone or Forest Pack please feel free to let us know.


              Will do Paul. If you ping me an email, I do have a vague notion of an idea but it might be worthwhile keeping private for the time being (its not 'porn' or anything!)
              Kind Regards,
              Richard Birket



              • #8
                With RC you only really need min of one person to set the stuff up for other users and then it's in your library and good to go next time. Don't overlook it - Apart from the obvious railings, it completely replaces floogen and it's much more powerful.
                Win10 x64, 3DS Max 2017 19.0, Vray 3.60.03
                Threadripper 1950x, 64GB RAM, Aurous Gaming 7 x399,


                • #9
                  in the olden days i would have used a bitmap

