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Get Paid!

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  • Get Paid!

    I have a client who hasn't paid her balance and stopped replying to emails, so I did a quick search on how to get paid. Now, I am not worried; my client is just the middle man to a very arrogant architect. However, my search found this site, which seems pretty neat.

    Apparently, she'll make those uncomfortable collection calls for you . I'll give this client another week and I might give it a try.
    Bobby Parker
    phone: 2188206812

    My current hardware setup:
    • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
    • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
    • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
    • ​Windows 11 Pro

  • #2
    How much business do you do with this client? They might not be a repeat client after this. When I get someone who doesn't pay, it's usually because they are not getting paid from up the chain, not usually anything you can do about it except kindly send reminders every few weeks. If they want more work, they'll pay. If not, be prepared to wait for months to get your balance. Annoying them imo doesn't do anything but make them not want to work with you again. Then next time they come around, you request 50% or more up front.
    In 6 years of working on my own, I only had one client who never paid (though they've called me on and off promising to pay, who knows, still might ). The longest I waited on another client was 9 months. (a developer... of course.)


    • #3
      I don't buy the "cross your fingers that you'll get paid" methodology. I want to know that I'll get paid when the project is done and if I don't, I have recourse. Now, this service might not do anything but make someone mad, but I thought it was a good idea; better than a collection agency. This project is extra frustrating because I worked hard on the project, emailed the final image and I didn't hear back, so I emailed the final invoice. After I sent the final invoice I got an email saying that she is waiting for feedback from the architect, who'll be sure to make changes, as if my client knows her client will be difficult. After another couple weeks I got a total different brief from the architect with mention of a second view. I emailed my client saying that she is only paying for one view, but feeling bad for her I agreed to do the second view for nothing, just to please her and her client. Now, it has been over a month and I haven't heard anything and my last two emails have gone unanswered. My last emails I said that I would like to close out this project and get paid and I even removed the late fees for her, but I didn't get a reply. I should have just let the late fees stack up (it is automated through the software and is compounded).

      In my new contract I talk about having a watermark until the final balance is paid, however I didn't have a contract on this one, but I think I'll start watermarking things from now on.
      Bobby Parker
      phone: 2188206812

      My current hardware setup:
      • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
      • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
      • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
      • ​Windows 11 Pro


      • #4
        I don't mean you shouldn't get your money. I guess I mean that one bad client shouldn't ruin how you normally deal with other clients. Don't go overboard with harsh terms, or you'll only end up with the clients who ignore them...


        • #5
          it's a difficult one - I tried watermarking images at one stage only to find out later that the client presented the watermarked images!! needless to say they also did not pay their bill.


          • #6
            How funny! How about a watermark that slower turns to the word 'Stolen' over time?

            Originally posted by WimOos View Post
            it's a difficult one - I tried watermarking images at one stage only to find out later that the client presented the watermarked images!! needless to say they also did not pay their bill.
            Bobby Parker
            phone: 2188206812

            My current hardware setup:
            • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
            • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
            • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
            • ​Windows 11 Pro


            • #7
              "Feeling bad for her I agreed to do the second view for nothing, just to please her and her client"

              Alex York
              Founder of Atelier York - Bespoke Architectural Visualisation


              • #8
                I had a client like that a few years ago that hired me to do an animation that the Canadian government hired them to do, they tried to get out of paying untill I told them my Lawyer was drawing up a Cease and Desist letter and I was going to be sending it to them and their client. Needless to say I got paid promptly lol
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                • #9
                  This is only $400, however I did 6 images for them. The first one was what they commissioned me to do, however I did three more for fun (waiting for feedback). After I was done and satisfied all their requests I sent the final invoice and that's when I got the architects request. The architect wanted two images of the other side of the house. $800 for 6 exterior images is quite the bargain.
                  Bobby Parker
                  phone: 2188206812

                  My current hardware setup:
                  • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
                  • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
                  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
                  • ​Windows 11 Pro


                  • #10
                    Can you not send your images with a water stamp then once they pay send them non stamped ones?
                    Dmitry Vinnik
                    Silhouette Images Inc.


                    • #11
                      I should and make a habit of it, However sometimes jobs just die and they don't need the images any more. I have a feeling that, that is what happened here.
                      Bobby Parker
                      phone: 2188206812

                      My current hardware setup:
                      • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
                      • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
                      • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
                      • ​Windows 11 Pro


                      • #12
                        If it's a new costumer I require 50% up front. All drafts have a large water mark in the middle of the image stating it is a draft. I require the balance to be paid in full before providing final images without the water mark. My estimate specifies all this. I always get paid!


                        • #13
                          This is a return client and I always get a deposit; new or old client, it doesn't matter. I'll start putting a draft across things from now on.

                          Originally posted by arobbert View Post
                          If it's a new costumer I require 50% up front. All drafts have a large water mark in the middle of the image stating it is a draft. I require the balance to be paid in full before providing final images without the water mark. My estimate specifies all this. I always get paid!
                          Bobby Parker
                          phone: 2188206812

                          My current hardware setup:
                          • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
                          • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
                          • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
                          • ​Windows 11 Pro


                          • #14
                            I'll be honest. I have problem with charging people too upfront. its a bad thing and I'm just in for a trouble down the road if I keep doing it. But I have some high profile clients who thus far always paid.

                            With that said, Bobby you have a proper contract that you put in front of them clients. You can just state there that all renders will be watermarked until full payment.
                            Dmitry Vinnik
                            Silhouette Images Inc.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by glorybound View Post
                              however I didn't have a contract on this one, but I think I'll start watermarking things from now on.
                              That wont make a difference. you've been making posts about contracts for years and you're still not using one. they know you're not, they can walk all over you. Start using it.

