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How to do a perforated sheet metal according to a pattern ?

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  • How to do a perforated sheet metal according to a pattern ?

    Hi guys,
    I need to find a way to do this kind of stuff easily and quickly (
    because I'm sure to have a lot of requests and tests before to find the good one : a perforated sheet metal according to a pattern (nothing fancy !)

    I have a b&w image (this is my pattern), I need to have the big holes in the black part and small holes in the white part with a transistion between
    All the holes must to be align.
    I was thinking to a tricky pflow setup to generate a map but I'm not sure how to do...
    What I need is a opacity map at the end but I also need a setup that I can use, modify easily because as I said, I'm sure my client will be.....more than undecided !!

    Thanks for any advices
    (Sorry for my bad english)

  • #2
    maybe you could use Forestpack and use your map for density and scaling cylinders....with FP tools you extract them for PF and subtract them from your metal sheet.... I'm guessing but it could be done that way.

    railclone may work as well
    show me the money!!


    • #3
      Could rayfire produce a similar result? I havent testet this method my self, but I remembered seeing that you can trace fractures with a map before, so here it is:


      • #4
        use this -

        Make an object that morphs from open to closed and use a map to drive how open/closed it is.


        • #5
          I'm on my phone so I can't link to decent specific example but search for 'halftone' in Photoshop. You'll probably have to play with the source image to get the right balance, but that's how I'd try to do it.
          MDI Digital


          • #6
            Thanks for all guys !

            yes, my first thought was "halftone" but I didn't have any good results... Then I decided to give a new try and now, I have what I want. It's quite a good way to do and it's easy to change.
            I'll give a try with Populate (totaly forget this one...).

            Anyway, thanks for all your entry .
            (Sorry for my bad english)


            • #7
              a few bercon tiles maps with rounded corners. and a blend map would be one way.

              also grasshopper is perfect for thing kind of thing. use the image sampler to create and size the circles.

              bercon would be limited to rectangles and circles, grasshopper you could do any shape.

              forest pro should also be able to do it to.

              but I would bet that the example was made in grasshopper in the first place.


              • #8
                You can definetely make this with forestpack. Also to render this with thickness and correct boolean you can use the trick with VRay Distance Tex. It is well described by support of iToo for one of my requests.
                Here is the quote of their reply :
                1 - Create your array as usual but turn off Slice for the Tile segments
                2 - In the generator's settings change the Clipping Area > For No Slice setting to Preserve
                3 - Create solid geometry to represent the area you want to remove from the tiles. Any part of the tile inside this volume will not be rendered. Open the geometry's properties and turn off Renderable.
                4 - In the Tile Material, add a VRayDistanceTex and turn on Inside Separate and Inside Solid. Set the distance to 0
                5 - Add the boolean volume created in step 3 to the VRayDistanceTex's Objects list. If you render now you should have a render time boolean. This has the added bonus of retaining full instancing.
                6 - To add the caps, duplicate the boolean geometry and apply a new cap material.
                7 - Create the cap material however you like, but add another VRayDistanceTex map to the opacity slot. As before turn on Inside Separate and Inside Solid. Set the distance to 0 and this time set the Inside Colour to White
                The last step is to add main object which is being cut to VRayDistanceTex's Objects
                Available for remote work.
                My LinkedIn:


                • #9
                  Thanks guys,
                  It's done now... but I will take a look at your ideas for next time.
                  (Sorry for my bad english)


                  • #10
                    I would do it with Rhino and the image sampler of Grasshopper and just export to 3dsmax. There are a ton of definitions that do this already. The output can be whatever you want it to be. Geometry, vector drawing, bitmap,...


                    Rhino rules

                    Or 3dsmax with wire parameters but than you 'll have to do it by hand more or less.



                    • #11
                      Thanks Vizioen
                      Yes, I see, but I do not have access to Rhino so no way to try Grasshopper ... anyway, it seems to be an great tool
                      (Sorry for my bad english)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by rikou View Post
                        Thanks Vizioen
                        Yes, I see, but I do not have access to Rhino so no way to try Grasshopper ... anyway, it seems to be an great tool
                        Rhino has a free trial for 30 saves/exports



                        • #13
                          hehe !!! ok ok ! I believe I have no choice, I'll try
                          (Sorry for my bad english)


                          • #14
                            It's not free, but I think this is the exact kind of thing parametric array does.
                            Gavin Jeoffreys
                            Freelance 3D Generalist


                            • #15
                              I use displacement with water level for this type of screen. Looks great close up too.

                              Get as intricate as you like creating the displacement map in PS.

                              Or this is pretty cool too:
                              Win10 x64, 3DS Max 2017 19.0, Vray 3.60.03
                              Threadripper 1950x, 64GB RAM, Aurous Gaming 7 x399,

