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How to change .... Materialeditor startup..

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  • How to change .... Materialeditor startup..

    Hi smart Vray People...

    i just have been configuring 3ds max 2016 in my team to get a smarter start by opening a new scene... i constructed a maxstartup.max file using... of course Vray 3 with some settings for very fast previews and so on...

    I also made some simple preset materials for very fast rendering as for example simple glas, Chrome, grass, water .....

    only problem, max does ignore these materials that i get, when i fire up my startup.max file directly, and loads only some vray materials as they where configured and loaded when i first used the custum user interface switcher..

    Well .. the materialeditor somehow gets its materials from.. well i dont know... but i want to let max start direktly with our personal materials and not to load them first dozens of times each time i start a new scene..

    Who knows what to do ?

  • #2
    Load the materials you want into the editor. Then save the material library and overwrite the "medit.lib" file in "C:\Users\whateveruser\appdata\Local\Autodesk\max\ whatevermax version - 64bit\ENU\en-US\defaults\MAX.vray"
    That's the one in the same folder as the stuff when you did the default UI switcher. Make sure to "Put to Library" each material and then overwrite the "medit.lib". Next time you start max it will start with your desired materials

    replace "whateveruser" and "whatevermax version -64bit" with the relevant info you have
    Last edited by Morne; 18-11-2015, 11:19 AM.
    Kind Regards,

