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Solution for monitoring/managing vrspawner on nodes?

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  • Solution for monitoring/managing vrspawner on nodes?

    Any ideas, so we can see if any are flatlining, or if we need a one button solution to launch/kill spawners across the farm.

    We tried refamo - our other office tested it but had some issues - not sure of the extent of these.
    Win10 x64, 3DS Max 2017 19.0, Vray 3.60.03
    Threadripper 1950x, 64GB RAM, Aurous Gaming 7 x399,

  • #2
    There are different tools and approaches to check the spawner status/version or start/stop the service.
    You can use our DR check tool to get the status information of the spawner on a certain machine or the check its V-Ray version.
    In order to control the service status you may need to use additional software like Deadline or Psexec.exe for an example. There is a discussions about that in this thread :
    Tashko Zashev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Well I wrote a small script for restarting individual nodes, or all of them at the same time. It doesn't monitor anything, but I knew something was up with stills when I saw stuck buckets or buckets rendering wrong. Even though in DR settings you already have "Restart servers on render end", I find that I still had to use my script from time to time, sometimes never, sometimes several times on the same job.

      Give it a go and modify as you need.
      Change the following:
      domain (name of your internal network domain)
      node1,2,3 etc (name of node(s))
      adminuser (admin username for the node)
      adminpass (admin password for the node)

      In my case, I have 1 admin username for everything.

      Just add to the script as needed, although if you have 100 nodes, you may be copying and pasting a LOT!
      Here's a setup for 3 nodes:

      The script restarts the entire node (reboot)
      I then have autologon to each node and the spawner in startup
      Last edited by Morne; 05-01-2016, 01:11 AM.
      Kind Regards,

