I'm a 3ds max user, but I wanted to know if anybody tried the new HDRI Light Studio 5.3 update with the area lights yet.
I've used HDRILS a bit in max, and was always bummed by the fact that I couldn't actually position lights and include/exclude - so I was pretty amazed at the new update.
Now does it really work in production? Especially the include/exclue part is what interests me the most. Can I access the area lights inside 3ds max/Vray as usual? Are my include/exclude settings kept when I move the light inside HDRILS?
I'm a 3ds max user, but I wanted to know if anybody tried the new HDRI Light Studio 5.3 update with the area lights yet.
I've used HDRILS a bit in max, and was always bummed by the fact that I couldn't actually position lights and include/exclude - so I was pretty amazed at the new update.
Now does it really work in production? Especially the include/exclue part is what interests me the most. Can I access the area lights inside 3ds max/Vray as usual? Are my include/exclude settings kept when I move the light inside HDRILS?