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first exterior/interior mission

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  • first exterior/interior mission

    So we just received our first architectural mission, this is kind of outside my comfort zone, so I'm just curious, time-wise, what ballpark am I in? 1,2,3 weeks? days?

    There's 4 images to be made; two exteriors (grass, trees, cars, people etc.), one kitchen and one living room.
    I've received some reference shots and a 2D blueprint of a two story house with garage.

    From the top of my head I would say two weeks (10 days), but I have no idea what this industry is used to, anyone care to throw some times out there?

  • #2
    10 days sounds about right, maybe allow for a couple more if the project isn't something you usually do. Think carefully about your camera angles and get them set up as soon as you have a basic model, this can save bags of time.


    • #3
      Cool, thanks Pictor. My first thought was a comfortable three weeks, but the client would probably bail at that price, so maybe something in between ain't too far off.
      Good point getting the camera views nailed early on, and not spend time on unnecessary parts.


      • #4
        We do one week per image, minimum.

        Definately do it in stages - ours our camera/viewpoint, then geometry, then materials, and then a near-final which they can make some minor changes to the look in. get signoff in writing at each stage and bill them if they try and go back to change cameras or geometry after signing that stage off.


        • #5
          My biggest problem is clients sitting on feedback for days/weeks/months, ignoring agreed upon milestones and wanting their images complete as soon as they decide to engage again. Currently, I'm being over stressed in regards to 3 projects like this, plus projects scheduled to start. You need to be very clear that delayed responses could jeopardize deadlines, which would cause their project to be rescheduled for a later date.
          Bobby Parker

          phone: 2188206812

          My current hardware setup:
          • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
          • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
          • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
          • ​Windows 11 Pro


          • #6
            Thanks for all the feedback folks, it helps a lot. Now I know what to aim for without having to worry about missing the sweet spot completely.
            I'll go for something in between 10 days and one week pr. image and be very clear regarding reviews and deadlines.
            Weird client expectations happen way too often, and I have a feeling archviz guys are even more plagued by this than in other fields....architects


            • #7
              ohh.. yes.. architects are... strange.

              they often want materials and finishes to do things that are physically impossible.

              thy want one image to show all details and aspects of their design at the same time ( i think they would like it if you could see the front, back and inside together)

              they will obsess about small details that nobody else will care about or notice in an image.

              anyone below senior level at a big practice works 18 hour days at the end of a project, and assumes anyone they work with should do the same.

              as a visualiser you are also the last link in the chain before a presentation.

              have fun!



              • #8
                haha, thanks, I will have fun with this. Work is kinda slow these days so there's no big stress with other deadlines interfering too much.
                My mind and body is prepped and ready for the worst case architect client around, what could go wrong, eheh

