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Chair, posture, back problems etc.

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  • Chair, posture, back problems etc.

    I have searched forum to see if someone posted about this but i didn't find anything.

    Sitting in front of computer with one arm on mouse and one hovering over keyboard couldn't be good thing in long run, no matter if there is fancy chair under your butt or kitchen chair. Recently got some serious nerve inflammation(from back trough left arm) as i was sitting 16 hours per day... and i am still recovering.

    Well i have tried so many different things and just before you realise what is about to happen it is too late so you end up on physical therapy...

    So how do you guys relax your back, neck, arm muscles, do you exercise, is there any special pattern like walking for 5 minutes every hour? What are prevention measures you take, any ideas would be great, as this can be serious problems when it happens.


  • #2
    I had the same arm symptoms a few years back and switched from mouse to pen immediately and the pain disappeared almost instantly. I'm also sitting yoga style on a ball looking stupid with my pen and all, but I couldn't care less.


    • #3
      I had lower back problems a few years ago when i was 18 (i shouldn't have those issues at that age). Since i started doing calisthenics and rings training everything disappeared, go way stronger, i gained 15kg (mostly muscle) and i can still sit 14h a day if needed. I workout every weekday, mostly strength training (no dumbells or barbells training). Also flexibility and mobility routine everyday 15min before going to bed to increase flexibility and prehab joints, tendons and muscles.


      • #4
        Doing some exercise is the best cure in my experience.

        Doing some light exercises with weights at home for example, helped me massively with shoulder and wrist pains.

        I also had very bad back and knee pains, went to an osteopath every 2 weeks for nearly a year, didnt really help all that much... then started walking to work and the pains went away.

        Exercise is the one.


        • #5
          i have the worst "computer slouch" of anyone i know. i have a fancy aeron chair (practically an antique now) but it doesnt stop me ending up (2 minutes after correcting my posture) with my arse at the front edge of the chair, and my shoulders practically at arse level.

          i do have my keyboard and mouse quite far back on my desk so my arms are resting flat on the desk from elbows forwards, which seems to help with the whole arm/nerve thing ( after 18 years of this crap ive never had arm/wrist/hand problems...)

          i did hear that switching to pen helps with he wrists, and you can also get those really ugly "vertical mice" that have a similar hand position to using a pen.. thats another option.

          ive considered switching to an exercise ball or a balance stool (like the stokke "move" or similar) but for now at least, no aches or pains, despite the typical horribly long hours of our profession. im sure i will regret my posture in later life.


          • #6
            I was the same as you Gnu, no matter what chair I had, I always ended up like a sack of potatoes a minute after correcting the pose. the exercise ball and a semi lotus pose stopped all that, even I can't find a way to slouch now


            • #7
              Give this video a run - Kelly starrett is a rehab and movement expert and an advocate of standing desks, he wrote a book about sitting recently but this might have a few good starting points for you -


              • #8
                standing desk eh? the idea of standing for the shifts i do brings tears to my eyes.


                • #9
                  I tried standing desk a while ago (home made version, sort of box you put on normal desk and monitor on that) and it was nice change. every two hours - half an hour standing. wierd at first but quite comfortable after you get used to it.
                  electric versions are resonably priced I think.
                  now it's just good chair an exercising. no more back pains. pilates or whatever works for back muscles.
                  Marcin Piotrowski


                  • #10
                    Wow, thanks guys this is good stuff, i didn't want to write any details before i hear other opinions or some answers but anyhow here is short story.

                    I had regular working chair/s for year HQ leather upholstered chairs, bad posture and i didn't had any issues whatsoever no matter how crazy that might be, but kinda assumed it will be problems later in life.

                    My regular routine had to be changed so i decided to change things few years ago, i have started to have physical activities on daily basis like running 4km(snow, rain, wind) and riding bike 20-50km really depends on weather or time i have, changed chair to HM mirra 2...

                    My chair is locked in upright position or negative(tilting forward) problem is that my hand is hovering over keyboard for hours. My right hand is cool, since mouse is much more ergonomic than keyboard plus using wacom really helps.

                    Now it seems to me that i forget about walking every hour or stretching, so to compensate for that i started about 3 weeks lifting some weights and i guess i made it worst... Now it's too late.

                    Anyhow I went to doctor, did x-ray and other tests... i have 3 typical modern back/posture problems. Apart from that, ligaments and tendons in left arm are tense especially in fingers since they are not moving like on right one, nerve inflammation and god knows what else.

                    Therapist recommended swimming, walking, stretching exercise for strengthening back muscles(mostly therapeutic) and in no way sitting more than 6 hours per day of course with rest intervals on every 30-45 minutes... along with other moderate exercises.

                    So all in all it leaves me with 5 hours to work. As things are now i really starting to think is all this worth it. I don't want to sound pessimistic but choosing willingly to make freakshow and destroy my body isn't way to go. I see i am not alone sitting 14-16 hours, slouching and destroying health, but 5 hours isn't enough for max to start.

                    I guess everything is so fast right now 5 hours won't cut it or we need to make some sort organization and fight for this right i know it sounds like joke but as things are now we will regret later big time...

                    Anyhow thanks for answers i will definitely try every single one i didn't already as desperate times require desperate measures... Thanks once again!


                    • #11
                      Years ago I switched form mouse to tablet and never looked back, so no hands problems. I have standing/seating desk but barely using stand option. Also good chair but looking into something like this: I heard very good things about it. And last but not least... working out everyday ! I wake up and go to the gym! It's been like that for years now and it keeps 36 years body still running okay when sitting through the rest of the day.
                      Luke Szeflinski
                      :: cgi


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by super gnu View Post
                        i have a fancy aeron chair (practically an antique now) but it doesnt stop me ending up (2 minutes after correcting my posture) with my arse at the front edge of the chair, and my shoulders practically at arse level.
                        hahahaha... burst out laughing here..that's a good description of myself.

                        I'm even considering another profession, that doesn't require me to sit as much. But these days a lot is done behind a computer I'm afraid. Might consider using a pen but I'm don't think I can work as precise and fast with it. Everytime I try one of those things I give up after 10 minutes it's way too slow and unprecise imho.

                        My elbows hurt like a neck is always stiff and my arse hurts as if I'm sitting on rocks. My back is also very much f-ed up. I see a chiropractor or an osteopath every 2 weeks to put everything back in its place. Not to mention my fingers don't always realise I stopped working an hour ago and keep clicking.
                        Last edited by Vizioen; 18-03-2016, 03:50 AM.



                        • #13
                          hi all, here is some of my expirience,
                          i have a regular job, so 8+ hours, plus i sit and surf at home if not do so more thats at least of half a day of sitting...thats too much!
                          sine i had shoulder plate pain and some in my arms i decided to start working out
                          what i do si some alpha 3 rush....some program that has it all, look it uo
                          its a combination of cross fit + weights + yoga, great stuf, since that i have no problems anymore, 3 times a week i do this
                          and for some of you that cant hit the gym, maybe this will help nice girl also


                          • #14
                            Thanks guys!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Vizioen View Post
                              Might consider using a pen but I'm don't think I can work as precise and fast with it. Everytime I try one of those things I give up after 10 minutes it's way too slow and unprecise imho.

                              My elbows hurt like a neck is always stiff and my arse hurts as if I'm sitting on rocks. My back is also very much f-ed up. I see a chiropractor or an osteopath every 2 weeks to put everything back in its place. Not to mention my fingers don't always realise I stopped working an hour ago and keep clicking.
                              You're right about the precision...but I'm one of these guys here that changing mouse to pen has a great useful impact on health of my wrist & hand.
                              I suggest you to persist until it became a routine...once you go'll never go back!!!

                              The first weeks you'll feel that the hand is more relaxed and the shoulder muscles start working and they'll hurt a bit (because unused)...but then you'll never feel any pains anymore... it was a big least..for me

