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Adobe Camera Raw

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  • Adobe Camera Raw

    Hi all,

    I've recently been playing with Adobe Camera Raw for quick editing. It's has some VFB correction control like functions.. I like simple .

    I have no problem with 16 bit exr's but when I open a 32 bit erx it's all off on exposure, seems to overexpose all images and takes a bit off tweaking to get near the original which throws simple out the window.

    Does any know how to get an 32 bit exr to open correctly in Adobe Camera Raw?

    "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
    Thomas A. Edison

  • #2
    I too am a fan of this workflow, but am finding I have the same issue. Especially noticeable in greens and orange areas. I've been scowering adobe forums w/out much luck. Any pointers here appreciated.


    • #3
      i encounter this misrepresentation of color/value too. i usually convert to 16, then convert the layer to smart and apply the camera raw effect. that way i dont have to save presets and all values are stored in in the psd. would be nice to know how to keep it 32 though


      • #4
        It's been 5 years I'm dreaming to have Cam Raw effect build in AFX as 32bit...
        But I have the same issue in 32b with PS, and Arion FX needs to be in 32 bit so it just makes it really hard to comp/post in PS IMO



        • #5
          Yes the camera raw options when importing the sequence is the only way I can access those settings in after effects. And with the new aftereffects I have to purge everything whenever I make changes. It's so weird I feel like I'm doing something wrong


          • #6
            Yes but that's only if you have raw cam files like dng or nef or cr2, right?
            Can you access it with exr?

            That's why it's been 4 years I'm asking CG to save to dng...


            • #7
              Actually, you can use any file. When importing the sequence choose file type camera raw and then type in asterisk and hit enter in the file name. Then choose one of the files in your sequence and it should prompt a camera raw window to edit in. What sucks though is that it doesn't allow you to select a frame in the sequence. It only gives you the first frame. So I have to cut one of those frames out and put it in a different folder and then make my adjustments and then reapply it to the entire sequence


              • #8
                whoops sorry. choose "all files" in the file type, single click your file and choose "camera raw" under format. then click import and the raw window will appear on any file


                • #9
                  Originally posted by iancamarillo View Post
                  i encounter this misrepresentation of color/value too. i usually convert to 16, then convert the layer to smart and apply the camera raw effect. that way i dont have to save presets and all values are stored in in the psd. would be nice to know how to keep it 32 though
                  Yep, this is how I work also.

