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  • omnitiles/dcrossmap/multitexture

    i just purchased omnitiles/crossmap.

    omnitiles seems great, and very versatile, but im having issues with crossmap, as it introduces banding in my crappy 8 bit textures i have to use. no idea why.. the standard bitmap loaded doesnt do it, and neither does multitexture.

    strangely when i tried using mulititexture with omnitiles, im sure it worked at first, but now it is not working. the mapping does not fit the tiles in omnitiles.

    anyoen got any suggestions?

  • #2
    I'm considering purchasing Omnitiles, but to date, I can't say I've ever had a lot of success with Vizpark tools.

    I have read on other posts here that others have reported system issues which went once (for example) W&T was uninstalled (so on that basis, I've never reinstalled my copy).

    How are you finding Omnitiles since your post ?

    3DS Max 2023.3.4 | V-Ray 6.10.08 | Phoenix FD 4.40.00 | PD Player 64 | Forest Pack Pro 8.2.2 | RailClone 6.1.3
    Windows 11 Pro 22H2 | NVidia Drivers 535.98 (Game Drivers)

    Asus X299 Sage (Bios 4001), i9-7980xe, 128Gb, 1TB m.2 OS, 2 x NVidia RTX 3090 FE
    ---- Updated 06/09/23 -------


    • #3
      I am in the same place. Walls & Tiles makes my scenes unstable, so I am hesitant to purchase Omnitiles.
      Bobby Parker
      phone: 2188206812

      My current hardware setup:
      • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
      • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
      • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
      • ​Windows 11 Pro


      • #4
        well all i can say is walls and tiles is a script, that plugs together bercon and a vraymaterial, and i didnt like it at all. fiddly to adjust if the presets didnt hack it. i was offered an upgrade to omnitiles since i had just purchased walls and tiles an hour before, already had one maxscript error, and was generally not impressed for the price.

        omnitiles ont he other hand, is a very well designed self-contained map. a proper plugin.

        much easier to control, and the best solution ive seen for doing complex tiling. ive just done a load of fiddly tile patterns with it in a couple of hours that would have taken 20x longer to knock up in photoshop.

        it seems very stable too.

        its immediately in my favourite plugins list.

        the issue i had with crossmap was also resolved within -one day- by vizpark support (it was a bug) so i have nothing bad to say about them.

        id suggest you give the demo of omnitiles a try.

        i did have one ui issue with max 2016 where i could not move tiles in the tile editor, but it worked fine in max 2014, and when i went back to 2016 later, it was fine there too.. i logged it as a potential bug anyway.


        • #5
          Also loving omnitiles here, it definitely fills in some gaps and allows you to create some things that are much trickier in floorgen / Railclone


          • #6
            is ommitiles that much better than bercon tiles?


            • #7
              its much easier and intuitive to use to use.. you design tile patterns in a graphical editor, you can trace over images, and it handles all mapping and randomisation for you.


              • #8
                So OmniTiles doesn't rely on anything Walls&Tiles is relying on? I haven't got big problems with W&T, besides that it makes my scenes a bit sluggish if preview textures is on. Other than that not really any problems. If I understand correctly Omnitiles is a better/enhanced/expanded version of Walls&Tiles?



                • #9
                  omnitiles is a completely different thing. w+t is a script that plugs together crossmap, bercon and the vraymaterial and controls them together. im not a fan.

                  omnitiles is a proper self contained map, with a gui for drawing repeating tile patterns. you can load a background image to trace over, snap to grid, rotate,clone,scale. it deals with uv mapping for each tile, and allows specific maps for each tile in the pattern. these can either be a single map, or a crossmap, allowing randomisation over large areas. this means you can do extremely complex stuff intuitively.

                  ive only done stuff with rectangular/square tiles so far.. i had a job with a 9x9 grid tile pattern, randomised cream tiles in the centre, randomised brown tiles along the edges, and a specific flower tile in the corner. took about 10 minutes to set up.

                  ive seen examples with curved tiles, but i guess that would be more fiddly with the tools provided in the ui ( straight lines snapping to an adjustable grid)

                  why not try the demo?

                  p.s. i have no financial interest, i just was impressed by the plugin and it saved me literally days in photoshop making maps. the other custom tile options seem to require (cough Bercon) you to describe line and row offsets as a numeric string. hardly easy.


                  • #10
                    A lot of the problem is the plugin relies on other free scripts to work. The other scripts sometimes stopped getting supported, so the plugin starts to be problematic.
                    Bobby Parker
                    phone: 2188206812

                    My current hardware setup:
                    • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
                    • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
                    • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
                    • ​Windows 11 Pro


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by super gnu View Post
                      omnitiles is a completely different thing. w+t is a script that plugs together crossmap, bercon and the vraymaterial and controls them together. im not a fan.

                      omnitiles is a proper self contained map, with a gui for drawing repeating tile patterns. you can load a background image to trace over, snap to grid, rotate,clone,scale. it deals with uv mapping for each tile, and allows specific maps for each tile in the pattern. these can either be a single map, or a crossmap, allowing randomisation over large areas. this means you can do extremely complex stuff intuitively.

                      ive only done stuff with rectangular/square tiles so far.. i had a job with a 9x9 grid tile pattern, randomised cream tiles in the centre, randomised brown tiles along the edges, and a specific flower tile in the corner. took about 10 minutes to set up.

                      ive seen examples with curved tiles, but i guess that would be more fiddly with the tools provided in the ui ( straight lines snapping to an adjustable grid)

                      why not try the demo?

                      p.s. i have no financial interest, i just was impressed by the plugin and it saved me literally days in photoshop making maps. the other custom tile options seem to require (cough Bercon) you to describe line and row offsets as a numeric string. hardly easy.
                      Thanks I'll give it a try. I just use W&T for bricks and floors. Never had the question for complex tiles yet. But the "UI" of W&T is very very sluggish and sometimes it forgets things (reflection disabled for some reason or something similar). Does it also load all textures automatically and link them directly > diffuse, reflection, normal,...maps? What I'm trying to say is, are all the options that are available for W&T available for omnitiles? For instance cropping of mortar, random displacement, etc...



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by glorybound View Post
                        A lot of the problem is the plugin relies on other free scripts to work. The other scripts sometimes stopped getting supported, so the plugin starts to be problematic.
                        Well Martin updates those scripts for each version too, as they are opensource that won't be a problem I guess, but it's quite sluggish indeed.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Vizioen View Post
                          Thanks I'll give it a try. I just use W&T for bricks and floors. Never had the question for complex tiles yet. But the "UI" of W&T is very very sluggish and sometimes it forgets things (reflection disabled for some reason or something similar). Does it also load all textures automatically and link them directly > diffuse, reflection, normal,...maps? What I'm trying to say is, are all the options that are available for W&T available for omnitiles? For instance cropping of mortar, random displacement, etc...
                          no.. walls and tiles is a material... omnitiles is a map. you build your own material.

                          my workflow was co cut out a dozen or so tile textures, process them to make bump/reflection maps in photoshop and save em all out.

                          create material, assign omnitiles to diffuse.

                          design pattern in omnitiles and apply a crossmap to each tile shape ( can be instanced, omnitiles creates a map slot for each tile in your pattern)

                          load the diffuse maps you created into crossmap.

                          you have controls for random rotation/colour offsets. you can apply a scale, either globally or per tile, to crop off the mortar around the edges. this is useful if your tiles end up looking a bit "grouty"

                          once you are happy with that, copy it to the bump/reflection slots, and opening the crossmap, mass delete the loaded maps and load the bump/reflection ones instead.. its a 2 minute process.

                          obviously wallsandtiles is a bit more point and click, but i found it very flaky. and if you need to edit the tiling...? eew.

                          im -much- more comfortable with a map that can be used like every other map in max.

