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Too soon for VR

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  • Too soon for VR


    i was planning to get some VR goggles.
    Any tips on the best model to get ? Or is it better to wait a bit more ?

    How's the screen resolution of the latest goggles ? I tried some occulus rift one year ago, and you could clearly see the pixels, and the FOV was quite narrow.


  • #2
    I haven't tested myself, but from a lot of reviews and feedback i've heared the Vive is way superior to Oculus, and by far the overall best experience.


    • #3
      If you already have a Samsung phone, the Gear VR might be a good tester for you. It's pretty amazing quality, and it's not a huge investment as the Gear itself is only around $100 bucks.


      • #4
        got a nexus 5p... don't want a cardboard goggle that i need to hold


        • #5
          The only method selling in real estate right now is gear VR. the mobile un-tethered nature of it while allowing super high quality vray renders is giving it a clean run.
          This isnt your client who has to put this thing on - it's their investors or their buyers.


          • #6
            Right now i also find the VIVE the Best ""affordable"" goggles on the market. The tracking of head gear and and the two controllers feels incredibley percize for only two sensors.


            • #7
              Portability of the Gear VR is great for taking 360 animations out to show others


              • #8
                So far I only tested the Vive myself. I spoke to some people who could in depth test both of them. The primary reason I went with the Vive for the moment was the shipping time. Both have the same resolution. The Vive has a slightly larger FOV wich results in slightly larger pixel. Everyone I spoke to prefered the Occulus as the larger FOV was not as notable as the larger pixel. But we´re talking about a minimal difference here. The Vive comes with two controller and IR Tracker while the Occulus for the moment uses an xbox controller wich I think will change in the future. The Vive has an inbuild camera.

                My first experience with the Vive. Tons of cables and hardware. After installing the driver and software I now have exactly 10 new background processes running and my computer takes some minutes longer to boot. I would have expected it to be a bit more practical. My first VR experience was pretty good. The tracking is very precise. I ran into some unexpected bugs and I couldn´t find a solution so far. Sometimes my mouse stops working completely when starting a VR application and there seems to be no way to get it back but restarting my computer. From time to time when starting a VR app I get a light blue screen (not a windows bluescreen) and nothing happens. Well it´s the very first generation of consumer VR so I think no matter if Vive or Occulus, don´t expect to much.


                • #9
                  I found this earlier today. Looks like Android N is catching up with GearVR.
                  Nat Saiger


                  • #10
                    Samuel, good summary. I'm at the bottom a bigger fan of Vive as well but in the end decided for Oculus. I'll probably get both in the long run.

                    I felt the Oculus was a bit nimbler with the small sensor in front instead of having to wall mount the two lasers. The glasses are a bit lighter and nimbler as well with built in earphones, and to me the image is a bit sharper with the smaller pixel. At this point more tools like Enscape 3D, Revizto, etc. supports Oculus. I've had the opportunity to play with Vive and although I love the large room scale experience, I'm not sure it will be important in daily life. Makes a wonderful demo though.


                    • #11
                      I have an Oculus Rift only so cannot compare to the Vive but the resolution is good. Better than the DK2. You can also use the Oculus Debug tool and get an increased pixel density for even sharper imagery. I occasionally play Elite Dangerous and Project cars and find them both pretty amazing. I'm sure having the Vive touch controllers is great but I'm sticking with Oculus and the controllers they will release pretty soon.


                      My Portfolio


                      • #12
                        I have a few and tested Samsung's. Unless I'm missing something, I don't get the hype. I told my kids that in a decade, they'll be laughing at the whole goggles on your face thing.
                        Bobby Parker
                        phone: 2188206812

                        My current hardware setup:
                        • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
                        • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
                        • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
                        • ​Windows 11 Pro


                        • #13
                          Why don't you get the hype ? This is the first consumer VR head gear to come out that works well. It's a pretty big milestone and will only get better.

                          Not sure, things might get smaller but I can't see another way of viewing VR than to wear some kind of goggle. You have to shut out the outside world and mount screens in front of the eyes. It's not like the PC has changed much...only in size. It still sits in a metal box.


                          My Portfolio


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by glorybound View Post
                            Unless I'm missing something
                            depth perception?
                            The big thing a lot of our clients are taking away is that it moves past the images being a representation of what it will look like, and actually starts to represent what the architecture feels like. all comes from being able to instinctively know at a glace the exact proportions of everything and how the spaces are layered.
                            I dont think it will replace any traditional part of the process - animations never killed the still image and a lot of high end units are still sold off the back off floor plans alone, but it'll help. I think one other major thing it brings to the table is that it feels honest - it's not a wide angle lens or a distorted approximation of what a camera would see, it's what you yourself would see. to a lot of buyers that's peace of mind.


                            • #15
                              Applications like zbrush might really benefit from this type of technology too. Having depth perception inside an app of this sort makes a real difference. I'm pretty sure Pixologic will support VR pretty soon. They are another company (like Chaosgroup) that pushes technology be it software or hardware.


                              My Portfolio

